DealDash Helps: Survive a Toddler Tantrum


Have a toddler that’s getting you down with tantrums? Follow these tips from DealDash to help tame tantrums.

Many parents worry about taking their toddler out. They know they will run the risk of their child throwing a tantrum. Tantrums are common in younger children. You want to make sure that you are equipped to deal with them while you are both at home as well as out in public. Here are a few tips to help you survive a toddler tantrum, from DealDash.

Have a Problem?

The first thing that you should do when your toddler is throwing a tantrum is to see what is causing this behavior. Typically, if they are having a tantrum it means that they have a problem. Is your child hungry or tired? Has something happened to upset them somehow? You what to find out exactly what is causing your toddler to have a tantrum so you will be better equipped to diffuse the situation.

Keep yourself calm

You need to keep your composure when your toddler is throwing a tantrum. If you get upset then it will only make your child more upset than they already are. Making sure that you stay calm is going to be a huge help in calming your child. Realize that if you yell at them for being upset it will not help calm them down. Yelling is not a good solution for dealing with toddlers unless it is to stop them from doing something dangerous such as touching a hot stove or running into the street.

Distract Your Little Darling

Finding a distraction to occupy your toddler’s mind is also going to help when you are looking for ways to help them calm down when they are having a tantrum. You want to find something that will soothe them so that they will hopefully calm down and move on to something else other than whatever issue that is currently upsetting them. Doing something as simple as holding your toddler and hugging them can be enough to distract them from their tantrum. Some people call this a “time in” rather than a time out. 

Thanks for Reading

Thanks for reading the newest DealDash article on helping your toddler when they’re having a tantrum. A toddler throwing a tantrum can be a scary thought to have to deal with. However, if you are well prepared you will see that it is something that is simpler to deal than you might think. If you are prepared to deal with a toddler tantrum you will find that doing simple things like going to the grocery store will be a lot easier.

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If you are shopping for kid’s items be sure to check DealDash first. DealDash has toys, games, and more for the kids! Visit DealDash now. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

DealDashThis sponsored DealDash blog article was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated for writing this article. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.