
Removing Stubborn Car Odors the DealDash Way


Did you or one of the kids spill something in your car? Have you had trouble removing the odor? No problem, DealDash has some tips.

Let me tell you all a sad story. Last year, in August, I bought a brand new car. It was one of the re-designed Honda Pilots. It had a wonderful new car smell, and I was very happy with it. About a week later I did a little grocery shopping, including a rotisserie chicken. Well, at some point on the ride home, that rotisserie chicken fell onto its side, and all of the greasy juicy  — Read full post


DealDash Helps Whiten Your Clothing


Having the whitest whites that you can manage is a point of pride in the laundry world. Here are some tips and suggestions from DealDash to get you started.

Are your white clothing the whitest that they can be? No? Do your white clothing items have some yellow marks, stains, or are they just plain old dingy? Well, no problem. DealDash is here to help you whiten and brighten your white clothing. Read on for more information.

Bleach for the All-White Items

This one is fairly obvious, everyone knows about bleach! However, some people don’t realize that it osn’t recommended  — Read full post


DealDash Uses Fragrance Oils at Home


Fragrance oils can help keep your house smelling delightful. Here are some tips and tricks on how to use them, from DealDash.

Fragrance oils are, quite simply, oils with scent added. They are not the same as essential oils, which can have other useful benefits such as calming, stress relief, or energizing. However, some essential oils, such as lavender or lemon can be used as a fragrance oil as well. These yummy-smelling oils can be used in crafting, home scenting, perfumes and anytime you want to create a pleasant smelling environment. Read on for more details from DealDash.

Make a

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DealDash Helps: Has Your Dog Spread His Fleas?


Summertime is coming, and that means that the fleas will be out in full force. Here are some tips and tricks for keeping the fleas under control, from DealDash.

Fleas can be quite difficult to get rid of, and sometimes it seems like the arachnid invasion never end. DealDash is here to show you a few ways to keep the fleas under control. It will also give you a few tips on how to prevent the fleas from coming back. These methods are aimed at people who would like to do things more naturally.

This Isn’t Natural, But…

The first  — Read full post


DealDash Helps: Keep Your Pet’s Food Bowls Clean

Dealdash pets animals cat dog

No matter what type of pet you have it’s important to keep their food and water bowls clean. Here are some tips and tricks from DealDash to help you.

You like to eat from clean dishes and bowls, correct? Well, so does your pet! By regularly cleaning your pet’s dishes, you can prevent bacterial growth that could make him or her sick. In addition, you can make his or her eating and drinking experiences much more enjoyable! And that’s what we all want for our pets, right?

Hand-Washing the Old Fashioned Way

Not everyone has a dishwasher, and some people  — Read full post