DealDash Helps Get Rid of Flies


We’re in the middle of summer, and flies are everywhere. Here are some tips to get rid of them, from DealDash.

If your kids are anything like mine, they are constantly in and out of the house in the summer. This means that the sliding glass door keeps getting opened and shut multiple times an hour. This means that there is a high likelihood of flies coming in the house. No one likes it when flies come in the house, so here are some tips and tricks for getting rid of the flies in your life.

Fly Traps

There are commercial fly traps on the market that you can purchase, or you can easily make your own. The most popular type of fly trap that you can buy at the big box store is the common fly paper. These are sticky sheets of glue that the fly lands on and then can’t escape.

If you’d rather make your own fly trap, you can do so quite easily. Just get a dish (not a clear jar) and put about an inch of dish soap and an inch of water. You can also add a few drops of honey or lemon to attract the flies. They will come investigate and drown in the water.

Take Preventative Measures

If drowning flies doesn’t appeal to you, then you should take some preventative measures to keep the flies out of your house. Obviously, the best measure is to keep your door-opening to a minimum in the summer months. However, there are many other things that you can do to reduce the amount of flies in your house.

Firstly, make sure that you don’t leave any food out. This seems like common sense, but if you have small kids or grandkids that spend a lot of time at your house, then you will need to be vigilant. Kids are notorious for dropping crumbs and leaving cups of juice in random places, so be sure that you are keeping an eye on the kids when they are eating.

Next, be sure that you have a lid on your kitchen garbage. Rotting food is like perfume to flies, and the kitchen garbage is like a buffet to them. If you don’t have a lid on your kitchen trash can, then it’s time to invest in a new one. I actually won an awesome motion detecting garbage can on DealDash. The lid stays shut until you wave your hand in front of it, then it opens up for a moment so you can throw the trash away.

Finally, be sure that you don’t keep any fruit out on the counter that isn’t fresh. If your fruit is starting to get too ripe it’s time to either eat it, put it in the fridge, or throw it away. Fruit that is too ripe is like an invitation to flies (and fruit flies) to come in and feast.

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If you want to get rid of flies then be sure to follow these DealDash tips. Check DealDash for cleaning items. DealDash has it all. Visit DealDash now to see how much you can save. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!


This sponsored DealDash blog article was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated for writing this blog article. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.