
Happy Mother’s Day from DealDash!!

dealdash mother's day

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you moms and grandmas out there! If you’re going out for fun today, here are some ideas from DealDash.

Today is your day, moms and grandmas! Are you spending time with your kids or grandkids? Or do you prefer to take the day for some “me time?” It’s your day, you do whatever you want to do today, and let someone else worry about the rest. Here are some ideas from DealDash to enjoy your day.

Sleep In, Mom

Today of all days is when you can take all of the time that you  — Read full post


DealDash Cleans: Your Ceiling Fans

DealDash cleans

Ceiling fans can be very tricky to clean. Here are some tips and tricks from DealDash to help you.

Ceiling fans can be tricky to clean for a few reasons – of course, the biggest reason is the fact that they are so high up. If you have vaulted or cathedral ceilings it can be a real problem. The other reason that they can be hard to clean is that they are usually very awkward to clean, you usually end up with the dirt all over you no matter how careful you are. Here are some ideas from DealDash to  — Read full post


DealDash: Surprising Things That Clean Windows

DealDash cleans windows

You might be surprised at how many different ways there are to clean your windows. Let DealDash enlighten you…

Do you find it hard to clean your windows properly? Besides the “elbow grease” that you have to use, you also have to buy special products…Or do you? Luckily for you, this might not be your only option. To add a bit of shine on your windows, you can use some products that you already have in your home. You will find that your work will be easier and you will also save money.

Ammonia, for Long-Term Cleaning

If you want  — Read full post


DealDash: Does Cleaning Define You?

DealDash cleans

Does the way you clean your home define you? How Does Cleaning Make You Happy? DealDash investigates…

Even if it might just seem like a daily ritual, the way you clean depends on your mood and your health. If a long period passes between cleaning sessions and your home becomes semi-chaos, it will start to affect your comfort and your well-being. In this case, you can’t help but take your vacuum cleaner, mop, etc. and restore the clean and orderly environment.

With all of that said, some of us have a higher rate of tolerance for clutter and mess. This  — Read full post


DealDash Presents: Surprising Household Cleaners

DealDash cleaners

Cleaning your house doesn’t have to equal expensive cleaning products. DealDash takes a peek at things around the home that you can use to clean.

Did you know that you can solve your cleaning issues with everyday things that you can find in your kitchen? It’s surprising but true! You won’t believe that such simple products could do so many tough cleaning jobs.


Did you know that soap residue can cause the colors on your favorite clothing to look faded? Add a teaspoon of black pepper to the wash cycle (along with cold water detergent) the next time you’re  — Read full post