Kids and Parenting Kitchen

DealDash’s Fun Kid Cooking Activities

dealdash kids

Cooking is a great skill to share with your kids or grandkids. Here are some tips from DealDash to get you started.

Are your kids constantly pretending to cook up yummy treats? If so you may just want to set them loose in the kitchen. There are a bunch of fun activities that they can do that will let them have fun and learn a useful skill as well. Here are a few kitchen activities that you can do with your kids, from DealDash.

Curate a Cookbook

You can help your kids put together a cookbook of favorite recipes. Everyone  — Read full post

Cooking Kitchen

DealDash Cooks: More Beginner Tips


Every beginner cook needs a few tips. Here are some helpful hints from DealDash.

No matter if you want to learn or if you are in a position where you need to learn there will come a time where you will have to cook.  There are many things to keep into consideration if you’re a beginning chef. The following are some tips that every beginner cook will find useful, from DealDash.

Cookbooks Are Your Friend

You’ll want to start off of getting some cookbooks to learn about different styles of cooking.  Keep into account the styles of cooking that you  — Read full post

Cooking Kitchen

DealDash Cooks: Using a Pizza Stone


DealDash loves to cook. Here are some tips and tricks for using a pizza stone to cook.

Are you are looking for a great way to prepare a pizza? You are really missing out if you have not tried using a pizza stone. Also, while some might be intimidated by a pizza stone is actually simpler than you think. Here are some simple tips and information for using a pizza stone, from DealDash.

Be Sure to Pre-Heat

Firstly, depending on where you have purchased your stone you are going to want to preheat it. It will not hurt the pizza  — Read full post

Cooking Kitchen

DealDash Cooks: Using an Electric Smoker


Using an electric smoker has some great cooking benefits. Read on for information from DealDash.

If you are in the market for an electrical smoker you will be able to take advantage of several benefits. An electrical smoker gives you the ability to create delicious foods that are also healthy for you in a very convenient manner. Here are some benefits you receive from using an electrical smoker, from DealDash.

Not Just Meat…Also Veggies

Everyone (except vegetarians, of course!) love meat. You will be able to prepare not only delicious smoked meat, you will also be able to prepare great  — Read full post


DealDash, Can You Learn to Cook at Home?


Can you learn how to be a good cook without cooking classes? Read on to hear the answer, from DealDash.

Many people believe that you cannot become a great cook without making use of culinary classes. There is hope for us all though, as it is very possible to become a great cook without having to take any classes. Here are some tips to keep in mind when you want to learn to be a great cook, from DealDash.

Take Stock of Your Kitchen

You will need to get to know your kitchen. Take the time to see what you  — Read full post