
DealDash on Cooking Vegetarian

DealDash cooks vegetarian

Meatless Monday is a very popular trend. You don’t have to be a vegetarian to cook a delicious vegetarian meal.

Have you ever participated in Meatless Monday? Many families who aren’t vegetarian like to participate in this trend for many reasons such as to be healthier and to save money. However, cooking vegetarian isn’t just making a salad. There are lots of different things that you can do to make your meatless meals more tasty and appetizing for your family.

Start Slow

You don’t want to scare your family off with anything too “out of the ordinary” at first. You  — Read full post


DealDash: Are You a Smoker? You Need Antioxidants

dealdashDon’t worry, I’m not going to lecture you. But DealDash encourages you to up your antioxidant intake.


Are you a smoker? Antioxidants are going to help you with your health. You already know the negative effects of smoking on your body, so I do not have to tell you more about it. I won’t lecture you, I promise. In this case, nutritionists that study the health of smokers recommend that they eat healthy food that can help reduce the negative effects of your habit. Even more than that, specialists also say that certain foods can help smokers to  — Read full post


DealDash Cooks: Asparagus


Asparagus is delicious, healthy, and a wonderful source of nutrients. There are many ways to cook asparagus. Here are a few from DealDash.

One of the healthiest veggies around is asparagus. Asparagus is made up of about 93% water. Asparagus is low in calories and is very low in sodium. Want an excellent source of vitamins and minerals? Try asparagus! Here are just a few that asparagus includes:

  • vitamin B6
  • calcium
  • magnesium
  • zinc
  • fiber
  • protein
  • vitamin C, E, & K
  • thiamin
  • riboflavin
  • beta-carotene

In short, asparagus is extremely healthy and quite delicious when prepared correctly. Here are a few  — Read full post


DealDash Makes Easter Fun for Kids

DealDash Easter

Easter is tomorrow, have you got everything set up for the kids or grandkids? If you need a little help, here are some tips from DealDash.

What does your family like to do on Easter? Do you have any fun family traditions? Easter started as a religious holiday, of course, but there are many people who don’t practice religion who enjoy the fun secular aspects of the holiday. Here are the best things to do on Easter when you have kids or grandkids.

Easter Egg Hunt

In a previous DealDash article, we talked about coloring Easter eggs. If you followed  — Read full post


DealDash Recipe: Unicorn Fudge!

dealdash fudge recipe

Easter is coming. Whip up a batch of unicorn fudge to please everyone with a sweet tooth.

Have you ever tried unicorn fudge? It’s delicious, adorable, and fun to eat. It’s easier to make than traditional fudge, and it comes out so much prettier. You can adjust the recipe to make different colors and add different toppings. Grab your kids or grandkids and start a batch of unicorn fudge. Here is the recipe from DealDash.


  • white sugar 3 Cups
  • 34 cup  unsalted butter
  • 34 cup half-and-half
  • 12 ounces (1 bag) white chocolate chips
  • 8 ounces
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