Kids and Parenting Lifestyle

DealDash Makes Baby Shower Gift Baskets


Putting together a gift basket for a baby shower can be a great present. Here are some ideas and tips from DealDash.

Are you are seeking a gift for an upcoming baby shower? Then you should definitely consider creating your own gift basket. Here are some tips for creating a great gift basket for a baby shower, from DealDash.

Start With the Basics

You will want to make sure that you include some of the basic needs for the baby like bottles and baby formula if it is being used. You can also include something nice for the mother so  — Read full post

Fitness Health Wellness

DealDash Weight Loss Jump Starts


Losing weight is difficult, but there are a few easy things to do to get started. Read on for more information from DealDash.

If you are like many you are looking to get rid of some unwanted pounds. However, you might be somewhat unsure of where to start. Here are some quick ways to shed some pounds, easily and healthfully, from DealDash.

Don’t Skimp on Protein

You will want to make sure that you are eating protein at each meal, including breakfast. This is a fantastic way to really jump start your weight loss efforts. Go for lean proteins such  — Read full post

Kids and Parenting Lifestyle

DealDash Crafts: Find Simple Knitting Patterns


If you’re a beginning knitter then you are probably looking for easy patterns. Here are some tips and ideas from DealDash to get you started.

If you are learning how to knit or have been teaching your kids, then you are likely wondering where you can locate some easy patterns. You might even be searching for some kid-friendly knitting patterns for them to work on. Here are several options for doing just that, from DealDash.

Check Out the Library

Books are a great way to find adult’s easy and kid-friendly knitting patterns. You can order books online or purchase them  — Read full post

Budget/Frugal Cooking Kitchen

DealDash Cooks: Repurposing Leftovers


Many families have leftovers after dinner. We don’t want to waste them, so let’s repurpose them with these tips from DealDash!

Too many families deal with the issue of having leftovers. Sadly, this often leads to food being thrown away and wasted. Always anticipate how you will make use of your leftovers..Here are some tips that can help you find new ways to use leftovers, from DealDash.

Veggie Soup

If you have leftover vegetables you could make a vegetable soup. You could also use leftover vegetables for beef stew or chicken noodle soup. You would just need a few ingredients  — Read full post

Kids and Parenting

DealDash: Things to do Before Newborn Arrives


Are you bringing home a baby soon? Congratulations! Here are some ideas and tips from DealDash on what you should do before the newborn arrives.

If you are a soon to be a parent you will find that your mind is on a lot of things. Bringing home a newborn takes a lot of work so here are some things to take care of before bringing home your newest bundle of joy.

Set Up Baby’s Nursery

First of all, you are going to need to have the baby’s room set up. You need to make a choice as to whether  — Read full post