Bidding Tips

Different Bidding Styles on DealDash for More Auction Wins


Has your bidding style on DealDash gone stale? Change your style and enjoy fresh auction wins!

Examining and rotating your bidding styles are an excellent way to be a great bidder and get items on DealDash. If you are finding yourself doing the same things you’ve always done but your auction wins have slowed, then it’s time to think up different strategies and styles for bidding. Read on for some ideas.

Personalize Your Profile

A way to make yourself stand out from the many bidders is to personalize your profile. If you are a frequent bidder then people will begin  — Read full post

Crafts and Sewing

DealDash Crafts: Make Bath Bombs


Making bath bombs is a fun activity, and using them is even better. Here are some simple instructions from DealDash to make bath bombs.

Bath bombs have become popular over the years. They are cool to look at and they come in different colors and scents. Many people use bath bombs to relax and take a bath when they get home from work or school. A lot of stores sell bath bombs, but it is also easy to make bath bombs from home. Making bath bombs from home is easier than you think. Here are some tips to make bath  — Read full post


DealDash Throws an All-Ages Halloween Party


Halloween isn’t just for kids! Throw a fun Halloween party for everyone from kids to grandparents with these ideas from DealDash.

Halloween is a fun holiday to celebrate in the fall. You get to throw Halloween parties and dress up in crazy costumes, play games and eat good food. If you want to have an unforgettable Halloween party first, you need to put together your guest list and send out invites. After that, you need to decorate your home or find a space to have a party. Here are some tips on how to throw a Halloween party for everyone  — Read full post

Bidding Tips

Guide to Using DealDash BIN Wisely

DealDashAre you using the DealDash BIN feature to the best of your ability? Read these tips and figure it out!

DealDash is such a fun place to shop and win auctions! Are you using your bids wisely or are you just bidding all over the place? Don’t bid all “willy nilly”, use your bids wisely and don’t waste your bids. Use the BIN feature to maximize your savings. I would love to help you make sure that you’re getting the most for your money, so read on for more information.

Be Wise – Use BIN on DealDash

Using your bids  — Read full post

Cooking Seasonal and Holiday

DealDash Holiday: Time to Carve a Pumpkin


Carving a pumpkin is a favorite fall activity. If you want to have an awesome pumpkin, you’ll need to plan ahead. Read on for some ideas from DealDash.

The fall is almost here, and it is time to do some fall activities. Carving pumpkins has been a tradition for many years. During Halloween, most people like to show off their art skills by carving pumpkins into a variety of faces and shapes. Learning how to carve pumpkins may seem hard, but here are suggestions that can help you carve a pumpkin, from DealDash.

Choose the Right Pumpkin 

Finding the right  — Read full post