Lifestyle Seasonal and Holiday

It’s Not Too Late! Decorate Your Tree With DealDash


It’s not too late to decorate your Christmas tree if you haven’t gotten it done yet. You will still be able to enjoy some magical moments under the Christmas tree this year. Read on for more information from DealDash.

Christmas is a wonderful time of year. One of the most exciting things about Christmas is decorating your home. There are so many ways that you can decorate your house for Christmas. Decorating a Christmas tree is a fun way to bond with your family. The secret to decorating a Christmas tree is easy to figure out. All you need is  — Read full post

Home Kids and Parenting

DealDash Kids: Affordable and Fun Christmas Activities


If your kids get a Christmas break from school, they are going to be bored. Here are a few fun and affordable ideas for activities, from DealDash.

Christmas is the perfect time to spend with your family, and especially with your kids. They will most likely be out of school for Christmas break, and you have an opportunity to create new memories. There is nothing like starting new traditions for Christmas. Christmas is a time where kids can enjoy themselves during their school break. Here are 3 fun and affordable Christmas activities for kids, from DealDash.

Holiday Lights

When you  — Read full post

Brands Lifestyle

DealDash Tech – Android or iOS?

Pixel Phone 3 XL (128GB, Just Black, Unlocked)Apple® iPhone XS Max 256GB Silver + Verdict. Cables

Everyone has a smartphone these days, the real questions is – which operating system do you prefer? Here are some things to consider, from DealDash.

Did you notice that DealDash is offering the newest and best cell phones up for auction? They have the iPhone XS as well as the Google Pixel 3 XL. These are the newest and hottest phones on the market that everyone wants to have this year. Which is your favorite phone?

iPhone XS with iOS

Every phone has a few interesting and unique features about it, and I think that one of the best features  — Read full post


DealDash Gift Suggestions for Your Co-Workers


With the holidays coming you might be attending a holiday party at work. This usually includes a gift exchange. Here are some great ideas from DealDash to get a great gift your co-worker will love!

The holidays are a time for giving, and sometimes you may want to give gifts to your co-workers. It can be tough when you are trying to figure out what type of gift to get your business partner or co-worker. Luckily there are some gifts that are good that you can give your co-workers to show that you appreciate them. Here are some suggestions from  — Read full post

Home Kitchen Lifestyle

DealDash Secret Santa Instructions


Now that we’re heading into the holiday season many places hold a “Secret Santa” exchange. Here are some simple instructions from DealDash.

A secret Santa activity is very common. It is a good way to save money on Christmas presents and make shopping easier. A secret Santa is when a group of people exchanges gifts. Some people may give gifts to family and friends that you usually don’t give gifts to.  How do you start a secret Santa? Here are some tips for starting a secret Santa, from DealDash.

Write Down Names and Put Them Into a Hat

The first  — Read full post