Home Lifestyle

Setting Up a Guest Room, DealDash Style


A guest bedroom is a good thing to have during the holidays. If you will be having some visitors this year you will want to read this article from DealDash on setting up a guest bedroom.

We all have our bedroom in our home, and many of us have kid’s bedrooms, offices, and craft rooms. However, a very important room to have in your home is the guest bedroom. If you don’t have an extra room in your home, no problem. If you have an office, craft room, playroom, or similar you can easily turn part of it into a  — Read full post

Kids and Parenting Lifestyle

DealDash Fun Winter Games


Everyone, young and old, can play fun games this winter. Here are some ideas to keep you and your family busy this winter season, from DealDash.

The winter season is the busiest time of the year. You have a lot of shopping to do, and holiday parties to throw. One of the challenges of throwing a holiday gathering is finding the right games to play. There are so many fun indoor games to choose from that your family, friends, and guests will enjoy. You Have to find games that everyone will enjoy regardless of their age. Here are 3 fun  — Read full post

Pets and Animals

DealDash Pets: Choosing the Right Cat Toy

Having a cat or kitten is a lot of fun. They are playful and love toys. Choosing the right toy for your cat can be an adventure. Read on for some ideas to help you select the right toy, from DealDash.

In this blog article, we will explore new ideas and thoughts that may help you accomplish your goal – selecting a great toy for your cats. There are many different categories of toys to choose from. Read on for some ideas from DealDash to choose an awesome kitty toy.

What do Baby Kittens Like?

If you have a small  — Read full post


DealDash Tricks for Presents on a Budget


With holidays of all types coming up – Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and Christmas, you will need to buy gifts. Here are some tricks from DealDash to get presents on a budget.

There are millions of dollars spent on holiday presents every year. Studies have shown that most people are in a financial bind after Christmas. It is okay to give your family and friends nice presents, but you don’t have to put a hole in your wallet. Sticking to a budget when buying presents will help you stay within your limit. You can still buy memorable gifts on a budget.  — Read full post

Cooking Lifestyle

DealDash Helps You Throw a Memorable Holiday Party


Holiday party season is coming up! Here are some ideas from DealDash to help you throw a memorable Christmas party.

Christmas is a wonderful holiday to spend time with friends and family. Throwing a Christmas party is one of the best ways to bring your loved ones together. Planning a Christmas party can seem stressful. You have to manage and coordinate the event. Throwing a Christmas party does not have to be stressful. There are some tips and tricks that can help you throw a memorable Christmas party, from DealDash.

Plan Your Party Early

The best thing to do when  — Read full post