
DealDash Reminds You to Relax

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In today’s world everyone is so busy. DealDash wants to remind you to take a moment to relax. Here are some tips.

Today we are all so busy – between work, kids, housework, hobbies & clubs, yard work, and more. Some days it seems like I am up with the sun, go-go-going constantly, and when the kids finally go to bed I am tired enough to pass out on my feet. And I only work part-time, I can’t even imagine how busy and tired other people might be. That’s why it’s important to try to take some time every day  — Read full post


DealDash Helps: Soothe Those Muscles

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Here on the blog we often talk about the importance of exercise to be healthy. However, sometimes your muscles can really hurt afterwards. Let’s see what DealDash can do to help.

Exercising is definitely a huge part of being healthy, but if you’re a little out of shape like most of us, the day after a hard exercise can feel a little rough on your muscles. There are quite a few different ways to help soothe your aching muscles, here are a few different ways that you can help yourself feel better.

Surprisingly, a little bit of light stretching and  — Read full post


DealDash Helps: Ease Anxiety

Are you one of the over 40 million Americans that have anxiety? Here are a few tips to help get a little relief.

Approximately 10% of Americans have an anxiety disorder. Luckily there are a few things that you can do to help yourself feel a little better. If none of these suggestions work for you then you should probably visit a doctor so you can get some help.

The most popular thing to ease anxiety is exercise! Luckily it doesn’t have to be strenuous, even just a brisk walk around the neighborhood or (even better) in a park or  — Read full post


A Little More Fit with DealDash

No more excuses! No matter if you’re older, overweight, or have zero free time it’s time to get a little more fit. You don’t need a lot of equipment or money to get started. Let’s make a plan…

The very first thing that you are going to need to do before you start your new fitness program is to visit your primary care doctor and get a check-up. While you are there making sure that you are healthy enough to start an exercise program you can also talk to your doctor about setting reasonable fitness goals for yourself. Not everyone’s  — Read full post


DealDash Helps: Effortless Health

Most people want to be healthy but few have the time and energy to devote a lot of time to improvement. You can make minor everyday changes that make a big difference in your health.

There are so many small things that you can do daily to make a big difference over time in your overall health. If you do many small things per day they can add up to big health benefits. Here are a few examples of small things that you can do daily that will improve your overall health without a lot of extra time or effort  — Read full post