Health Wellness

DealDash Snacks on Healthy Almonds


Almonds are not only delicious but quite nutritious. Read on for some of the benefits of these delicious nuts from DealDash.

Almonds are one of the most commonly grown nuts around the world. They have a myriad of health benefits making them a great choice for cooking, baking or for simple snacking. Here are some of the great benefits of eating almonds. Read on for more information from DealDash.

Healthy Fats = More Energy

Almonds contain healthy fats that can give you a fantastic amount of natural energy. Now you might be thinking that a food having fats would mean  — Read full post

Lifestyle Wellness

Feeling Exhausted? Let DealDash Help


If you’re feeling exhausted you need to read this helpful article from DealDash.

Many people often go through the day wondering where all their energy has gone. They really have no clue that common things that they do often are actually sapping their energy. Here are some very simple reasons as to why you might be exhausted, from DealDash.

Lack of Sleep / Oversleeping

Lack of sleep as well as oversleeping can have you not feeling your best. If you are not getting enough sleep you will be feeling tired. The same could be said for oversleeping as it can  — Read full post

Lifestyle Wellness

DealDash Wellness: Foods That Hydrate


Water is so important for your body. However, drinking plain water can be boring. Here are some tips from DealDash for alternate ways to hydrate.

Drinking enough water will help to keep your body working in top condition.  Unfortunately for many people, they have a hard time getting enough water in each day. They really struggle to get the needed amount of water because let’s face it, plain water can get a little monotonous day in and day out. Luckily, you can get some of your hydration through food as well.  The following are several foods that can help keep  — Read full post

Fitness Wellness

DealDash Wellness: Benefits to Having a Home Gym


Getting to the gym can be a little tricky with work, childcare, and other responsibilities. Here are some benefits to setting up a home gym, from DealDash.

Everyone knows that getting exercise and building muscle are two important parts of living a healthy life. So what exactly are the benefits of setting up a home gym for yourself? Here are some of the most common benefits of purchasing and using a home gym, from DealDash.

Save Time and Money

You will save money and time as you will not have to worry about going to a gym. Save money by  — Read full post

Fitness Wellness

DealDash Fitness Tips – Drink Water


Drinking water is great for your fitness. Here are some reasons why water is your workout buddy, from DealDash.

Fitness professionals have for many years proclaimed the benefits of drinking water.  There are so many wonderful health and fitness benefits that you can get by getting enough of this healthy beverage. Here are some of the benefits that you can get from drinking water. Read on for more information from DealDash.

More Water = Fewer Calories

One big reason that you will become a lot healthier by drinking more water is that you’ll be able to cut a lot of  — Read full post