Kids and Parenting

DealDash Kids: Planning a Thanksgiving Trip?

DealDashIf you’re planning on taking your kids on a road trip to see family this Thanksgiving you need to read this blog. DealDash is here to make your life easier.

Planning a holiday road trip with your kids can be exciting and stressful all at the same time. You want everyone to have fun not only while at your family destination but while in the car too. Here are some things to remember when you want to plan a successful holiday road trip, from DealDash.

Solo and Group Activities

You want to plan activities in the car that you can  — Read full post

Kids and Parenting

DealDash Kids: Is Your Child Ready for Daycare?


Putting your child in daycare is a big decision. Is your child ready? Read on for more information from DealDash.

Have you made the choice to or need to put your child into daycare? You will want to start getting your child ready for the idea of being in daycare. You want to prepare your child so they can not only get used to the idea of being in someone care other than your own as well as the routine of going to the daycare facility. For some children this is exciting, but for many, it’s a scary prospect. DealDash  — Read full post

DealDash Helps Kids and Parenting

DealDash Helps: Buy Baby Clothing Online


As a busy parent or grandparent, it makes sense to buy baby clothing online. Here are some tips and suggestion from DealDash.

Let’s face it, just about everyone thinks baby clothes are adorable. No matter if you are getting clothes for your baby or purchasing a present for someone having a baby soon, you can’t deny the appeal of baby clothes. But what should you know when you are purchasing baby clothes online? Here are some tips to help you make sure that you are making the right choices, from DealDash.

Think About the Season

First of all, you need  — Read full post

Kids and Parenting

DealDash Kids: Why is Coloring Good for Them?

DealDashIf your kids love coloring, then I have good news for you. It’s actually good for them. Read on for more information, from DealDash.

When you think of coloring pages you often think of kids having fun scribbling and coloring outside of the lines. But did you know that there are actually several benefits to having your child use coloring pages? It’s true. Read all about it, from DealDash.

Learn Patience

If your child isn’t used to coloring within the lines of their coloring pages doing so can teach them patience. It will be a great experience for them to  — Read full post

Fitness Kids and Parenting Wellness

DealDash Health: Raising Healthy & Fit Kids


If you have kids or grandkids you want them to be fit and healthy. Here are some tips from DealDash.

What are the benefits of raising healthy and fit children? When it comes to fitness it can be difficult to get motivated to be fit. It is important to find the motivation to get fit, especially if you happen to be a parent as you need to be sure that you are raising healthy kids. Your kids will benefit greatly by learning to be fit at a young age. Here are some of the benefits that you give to your  — Read full post