
DealDash Back to School Tips for Success


Are you ready for back to school? Here are some tips for success from DealDash.

Whether you are ready for it or not it is soon going to be time for back to school. While it can be difficult to let go of all the fun that summer can offer, you will want to transition as smoothly as possible into the fall months when school approaches. Here are four tips that will help set you up for back to school success, from DealDash.

Develop and Keep a Routine

Make sure to develop a routine that you can stick to during  — Read full post


DealDash Gets Kids Back Into School Mode


Kids are still in a summer frame of mind. How do we get them back into school mode? Let DealDash help.

Earlier this week we talked about getting kids back on a school time schedule. (Click right here to read it if you missed it!) However, even if you get their schedule back on track they still might not be in a school frame of mind. Luckily, there are a few simple things that you can do to help. Read on, for more tips and tricks from DealDash.

Do a Little School Work

Some kids like doing workbooks and many  — Read full post


DealDash’s Fun Baby Shower Tips


Many women enjoy having a baby shower. If you’re the host, you will appreciate these tips from DealDash to make your party a success.

If you have been tasked with planning a baby shower for a friend or family member, you’ll want to make the day as special as possible. The following are a few tips, tricks, and ideas that will assist you in doing just that. If you need some help throwing a baby shower, never fear – DealDash is here.

Plan Ahead – But Not Too Far!

Traditionally, most baby showers are not done until the seventh or  — Read full post


DealDash Gets Your Kids School Schedule on Track


School will be back in session in a few weeks. Get your kid’s schedule back on track with help from DealDash.

If your kids are anything like mine, they have been staying up later at night and sleeping later in the morning this summer. That’s perfectly fine and normal, but with school starting again in a few weeks it’s time to think about getting their sleeping and waking schedule back on track. Read on for more information, from DealDash.

Start Gradually

The reason that I am writing about this subject now when there are a few weeks of summer vacation  — Read full post


DealDash Helps Families Mediate Problems


There will always be small family conflicts no matter how much you love each other. Here are some tips to help from DealDash.

Conflict mediation is a very important skill to have in a family, especially those who share a household. It allows everyone in the family to resolve any issues they have amongst each other, and it establishes a setting in which everyone is comfortable with speaking about their issues with one another. I’m sure you want to know how you can learn these skills to bring into your household. Don’t worry, DealDash is here to help. Read on  — Read full post