
DealDash: Ready for School – Easier Homework Time


Summer vacation is coming quickly to an end. Time to start thinking about school and homework, with DealDash.

Let’s face it no one really likes homework. In fact, many kids struggle with home work and getting it done so that they can hand in their assignments on time at school. Now that the first day of school is coming up soon you’ll want to start thinking about homework. Here are a few things that you can do as a parent to help make homework go a little easier for your child, with a little help from DealDash.

Ask the Teacher

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DealDash Helps: Kids in the Kitchen


Do you have kids who like to “help”? Let DealDash help make kitchen time with kids go more smoothly with these tips.

The kitchen is a great place to spend some bonding time with your kids but that time can become stressful if you are not careful. Here are some tips to make any time spent in the kitchen with your kids a lot easier and even fun for you as the parent. Read on for more hints and tips from DealDash.

Let Them Get Their Hands Dirty

Starting with something simple that your kids can dig into with both  — Read full post


DealDash’s Safety Tips for Teen Drivers


Have a teen who is driving or will be soon? Read these safety tips from DealDash.

As a teen approaches their 16th (or 17th, depending on your state) birthday their parents must get ready to prepare another driver for the open road. It can be a scary thought having your child operating a motor vehicle so you need to make sure that they are fully prepared for the privilege of driving a car. Here are three safety tips that will assist in making sure that your child is a safe driver. Read on for more information from DealDash.


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DealDash Flies Kites


Flying a kite can be a fun pastime for kids, adults, and families. Here are some tips for kite flying from DealDash.

Kite flying can be as easy as challenging as you like. There are many different types of kites that are for beginners, intermediates, or advanced flyers. Choosing the right kite and the right conditions is paramount to your success as a kite flyer. Here are some tips and tricks from DealDash to get you started on your way to being a kite flying master.

Choose the Correct Kite

If you’re a beginner, then the first kite that you  — Read full post


DealDash Helps: Survive Food Shopping With Kids


Need some help shopping with your kids? Here are some tips and tricks from DealDash to help.

Grocery shopping with small children is no easy task. No matter if they’re your kids, grandkids, or kids that you are babysitting, it is really a chore. We have all been there in the grocery store shopping when a small child has a meltdown when told they cannot get what they want. Glad that it isn’t your child? Well what if it was? Here are some ways to survive grocery day when you are in charge of small kids.

Make Sure the Kids

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