DealDash’s Fun Baby Shower Tips


Many women enjoy having a baby shower. If you’re the host, you will appreciate these tips from DealDash to make your party a success.

If you have been tasked with planning a baby shower for a friend or family member, you’ll want to make the day as special as possible. The following are a few tips, tricks, and ideas that will assist you in doing just that. If you need some help throwing a baby shower, never fear – DealDash is here.

Plan Ahead – But Not Too Far!

Traditionally, most baby showers are not done until the seventh or eighth month of pregnancy. However, you still need to plan well ahead. You will want to make sure that you send out invitations at least three weeks before the event. This is so as many people as possible will have the opportunity to attend. You don’t want to send the invitations out too far in advance, though. In this “get it now” society, people tend to not want to plan their social calendars more than a few weeks ahead. 

When getting ready to send out invitations you will want to make sure that you find a date that will work well for the most people as possible. This way you know that you will have plenty of friends and family in attendance for the expectant mother’s special day. Baby showers are typically held on a Saturday or a Sunday. Be sure to talk to the people closest to the new mommy such as her mom and sisters to make sure that they will be able to attend on the date that you have chosen.

Finding a Location

After you have a date set for the shower you will need to find the best possible place to hold the event. You need to find a central location for most all of your guests so it will be as simple as possible for people to attend. The location can be a rented hall for a large shower, a room in a restaurant, or even just your house or apartment if that is more convienent. Some people like to take a non-traditional route and have their baby shower at a park or other outdoors location. It’s up to you and what you think that the new mom will enjoy, as well as your budget. 

Does the Shower Have a Theme?

Next, you will then need to figure out the perfect theme for the shower. For exampl, will you be revealing the gender of the baby at the shower or will you be planning a shower based on the gender of the baby? There are many themes that you could select from that would be an excellent choice for making it a memorable day. If the parents have declined to know the gender of the baby, no problem! There are many themes that work well for a boy or a girl such as “zoo” or “ocean” theme.

Want to Make This a Surprise?

One thing that you may want to consider when planning the perfect baby shower is whether or  not you want to have a surprise baby shower. This can be an a fantastic way to make it a memorable occasion. However, don’t do this if you are unsure how the new mom will feel about a surprise. Some people really hate surprises. If you aren’t sure how she might feel about it being a surprise, don’t do it!

Thanks for Reading

Sticking with these tips can help you hold a baby shower that the expectant mother will remember for a long time to come. Thanks for reading the newest DealDash article! Be sure to come back every day for new articles on this blog as well as on our sister blog, DealDash Tips. If you have any requests for specific articles, please write a comment down below.

If you are shopping for baby items be sure to check DealDash first. DealDash has toys, games, and baby gear. Visit DealDash now. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!DealDash

This sponsored DealDash blog article was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated for writing this article. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.