
DealDash Plays Indoor Sports for Kids

dealdash indoor games

Having little kids is exhausting. Here are some more fun indoor sports you can play to tire them out.

By this time everyone probably knows that I have three little kids, two of which are a handful! There are a few upcoming days off of school before February Vacation starts later on in the month, so I am trying to be prepared. Here are a few fun indoor sports ideas that I have come up with to keep the kids busy. If you’re a busy parent or grandparent, you’ll want to try these, too. Let DealDash show you some tips  — Read full post


DealDash Watches the Stars

DealDash galaxy

Astronomy is a fascinating hobby and is great for all ages. Let DealDash help get you starting in your stargazing.

One of the most interesting things about backyard astronomy is you don’t really need anything to get started. Of course, you will be able to see more things and probably enjoy it more with a telescope or even binoculars, However, all you really need to do to get started in backyard astronomy is to look up into the night sky. Let DealDash help!

Backyard Astronomy is Great for Families

Kids of all ages can join you in your new backyard  — Read full post


DealDash Talks: Lessons I Have Learned From My Children

DealDash Lessons Children

Aren’t children such funny tiny little people? They can teach you some amazing life lessons without even realizing it.

Children of all ages have life lessons to teach you, all you have to do is really listen to what they are saying. Many people don’t really pay attention when their kids are trying to talk to them, but you should really take the time to listen. You might learn something. Here are some tips from DealDash.

Friendship Problems Can Be Fixed

As adults it seems like the moment that a friend says or does something that you don’t like  — Read full post


DealDash Deals With Tantrums

DealDash Deals Tantrums

Dealing with a toddler usually means tantrums. Let DealDash help you deal with tantrums without too many tears.

When your child or grandchild is having a tantrum it can be extremely frustrating. Luckily, though, tantrums are usually a short-lived phase in your little one’s life. Until they have gained a little maturity, though, tantrums can be embarrassing, frustrating, and annoying. It might make you feel a little better to know that your child probably isn’t enjoying it, either.

Tantrums are the way to express his/her frustration when they are having trouble communicating. Most children that are young enough to still  — Read full post


DealDash Plays Games with Family


Image result for game night

DealDash thinks that a family game night is a great time to bond and have a fun time while you’re at it!

What could be more fun than playing games with your family? If your kids are elementary school or younger they will probably love the idea. If they’re a little bit older they may need a little bit of cajoling to get them excited about the game plan. Once you’ve had a few game nights, I bet they will be looking forward to the next DealDash Family Game Night.

Types of Games

You can play board games, there  — Read full post