Kids and Parenting Outdoors

DealDash Kids: Busy Weekends = Happy Kids


Busy kids are better behaved and happier. Keep your kids busy on the weekends with these ideas from DealDash.

With most kids back in school, most parents are wondering what to do to keep their child busy on the weekends. Of course, this is once homework and any chores are done! Too many parents worry about time spent with electronics but are unsure as to what to have their kids do. Here are some tips to keep your kids busy (and happy) on the weekends, from DealDash.

Crafty Kids are Happy Kids

Doing crafts is a wonderful way to spend  — Read full post

Health Wellness

DealDash’s Ways to Beat Fatigue in Cool Weather


If cool weather hasn’t hit your part of the nation yet, it’s on its way. Here are some tips from DealDash to beat fatigue in cool weather.

We’re heading into fall and cooler weather will soon be approaching. Fatigue occurs during cool weather in a lot of people. Fatigue affects people in a number of different ways.  Here are some ways to keep yourself refreshed and feeling great all throughout the colder months of the year, from DealDash.

Be Sure to Get Enough Rest

Being mindful of getting a great night’s sleep. This is going to go far in helping  — Read full post

Kids and Parenting

DealDash Kids: It’s Still Hot, Keep Your Kids Busy


It might be almost time (or already time!) for your kids to be back at school. It’s still quite hot in many areas. Here are some ideas to keep the kids busy while it’s still hot out, from DealDash.

It isn’t really always all that easy to keep the kids busy all summer season long, and the entertainment doesn’t even stop when they return to school. There are still many hours per day after school and on weekends where you will often hear a chorus of “I’m BORED!”. This is especially true on very hot days, the days when the  — Read full post

Kitchen Lifestyle Outdoors

DealDash Has a Multi-Generational Picnic


The summer is winding down, but there is still plenty of time to have a family picnic. Don’t forget to invite your elderly relatives! Here are some tips for including everyone in your family, from DealDash.

With the nice summer weather still upon us, you will likely be thinking of something fun to do with your family. One thing that would be a great deal of fun is going on a family picnic. This is a great activity that includes everyone from the youngest toddler to the oldest grandparent. Here are some tips for planning a great family picnic, from  — Read full post

Health Outdoors

DealDash Health: Seasonal Allergy Tips


Allergens this year have been terrible! Here are some tips from DealDash to lessen your seasonal allergy woes.

The seasons keep changing, and when the weather changes you can develop allergies.  Over 50 million Americans live with seasonal allergies. Whether you are allergic to pollen or grass, seasonal allergies can get in the way of you enjoying the outdoors.  Luckily, there are ways that you can still enjoy the outdoors despite your allergies.  You don’t have to worry about hibernating inside your home.  Here are three ways to enjoy the outdoors with allergies, from DealDash.

Know the Perfect Time to

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