
DealDash Goes to the Fair

Image result for county fair

It’s finally autumn, and around here that means that there are small county fairs popping up all over. Let’s take a trip to the fair with DealDash

Most people (especially the kiddies!) love the county fair. There are games to play, rides to enjoy, exhibits to explore, and delicious food to eat. Here are a few tips to keep in mind as you prepare for your visit to the fair.

The first thing that you are going to want to remember is that many county fairs are cash only. Some of the larger fairs will take debit and credit cards  — Read full post


5 Tools You Should Win on DealDash

Image result for pile of tools

With so many tools out there, sometimes it’s hard to choose what you should have in your toolbox. Here are 5 tools that you can get from DealDash that you shouldn’t be without.

You could make life super easy on yourself and get one of those large “All-in-one” kits with 100 tools, but most people don’t really need that many tools to do simple projects around the house. Here is a list of 5 tools that you need to get from DealDash before you start on your next project.

  1. Cordless Drill – Everyone needs a cordless drill. I use my
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DealDash Hangs the Laundry

Some people might say that hanging the laundry outside is ridiculous to bother with when you have a nice dryer inside. But there’s just something about laundry dried outside…

I get it, I get it – you have an expensive new dryer that you got when you bought your new HE washing machine. Why would you hang your laundry outside when you have a nice dryer inside? A few reasons, actually. Here are some of the benefits of hanging your laundry outside to dry in the spring, summer, and fall.

  • It’s cheaper! Things being cheaper is my main motivation for
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DealDash Teaches: Bonsai Trees

Japanese Maple Bonsai

Just about everyone has heard of “Bonsai Trees,” and picture tiny little gnarled pine trees. Did you know that technically any tree can be a bonsai?

Bonsai is a Japanese term which, literally translated, means “planted in a container.” You can take any tree, plant it in a container, and technically it is a bonsai! Most people probably associate bonsai trees with Japan, but the practice actually was started in China, and Japan merely adopted the practice.

I have always been interested in bonsai trees, but I had never attempted to care for one until recently. In this article I  — Read full post


DealDash Teaches: Poison Ivy

Identifying Poison Ivy and its nasty friends Poison Oak and Poison Sumac can be difficult for someone who doesn’t spend a lot of time outdoors. Here’s a quick and easy guide.

If you and your family are spending some time outdoors this summer, anywhere from your own backyard, parks, wooded areas, lakes, etc. it is very important that you are able to tell the difference between the poisonous plants and the regular plants.

The quick identifier has always been “Leaves of three, let it be.” However, did you know that the leaves of Poison Ivy aren’t always even green? The  — Read full post