Doing Fall Chores with DealDash

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Everyone thinks to do the obvious fall chores such as leaf-raking and gutter-cleaning, but what about the lesser thought of chores…

Now that we are very firmly planted into fall, it’s time to do a few different chores inside and outside the house to prepare for winter. There are the obvious fall chores that we usually think of, but there are lots of other chores that might just slip your mind until it’s too late in the season to do them. Here is a quick list of some of the lesser thought of fall chores that you might want to incorporate into your house and yard work this coming weekend.

  • Insect spraying. Before the weather turns cold and the buggies try to make their way inside your home, give your house a good spraying around the perimeter. There are some excellent insecticides that come with their own sprayer and just need to be pumped manually. Spray the entire outside, and concentrate around the doorways and windows. You can get these great insecticides from any big box store near you.
  • Sweep (or use your leaf blower!) to clean out your basement and garage. The dirt from summer, and those pesky fall leaves just seem to make their way in no matter how careful you are. Get them out and have a nice fresh and clean slate for the snow, ice, and salt to be tracked in. It’s a never-ending chore, but at least you might be able to keep it clean for a little while until the season changes into winter.
  • Clean your windows, inside and out. Now is the time to clean off those grimy windows. Clean them inside and out, before it gets too cold to be able to open them up to clean the outsides. You can use windex, or even a 1/2 water, 1/2 white vinegar solution to get them sparkling clean.
  • Swap out your summer clothing for your winter clothing. Be sure to store your out-of-season clothing in plastic totes if you are going to be keeping them in the basement, garage, or attic. This will keep them safe from moisture and other unsavory elements.

I hope that you have found this article helpful to get you started on your fall chores. If you need any products that were mentioned in the article such as plastic totes, a leaf blower, or even a gift card to a big box store DealDash has them for you. DealDash has all of these items and more up for auction. Just click on this  and you can visit DealDash and see how much you can save. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

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