
DealDash Skin Care: Vitamin C

Every so often a new trend comes around in skin care. Right now the “it” trend for skin is products with Vitamin C. It’s delicious and nutritious for your skin.

Spa Sonic Skin Care Face and Body Polisher 7-Piece Kit, Pink

“Anti-aging” “Lightening” “Brightening” these are just a few of the claims associated with using skin care products with Vitamin C in them. How true are these claims? Let’s take a closer look and see.

Vitamin C’s skin benefits are mostly due to its benefits in supporting healthy collagen. Collagen works closely with elastin to support the skin. In layman’s terms, it comprises the framework that provides form, firmness, and strength to  — Read full post


DealDash Cares About Your Skin

Having beautiful skin comes naturally to some people while others have to work for it. Here are some tips to show off your best skin.

Some people wake up with beautiful skin, do nothing to it, and have it look great with no effort required whatsoever. Other people have the worst luck with eczema, others have problems with comedones. Comedones are what most people refer to as pimples. Open comedones are blackheads; black because of surface pigment (melanin), rather than dirt. Closed comedones are whiteheads; the follicle is completely blocked.

Comedones are fairly easy to stay on top of by  — Read full post


DealDash Presents: Skin Care

As a certified aesthetician I am constantly being asked by friends and family for skin care tips. Now you can get the benefit of my esthetic training without having to pretend that you enjoy my cooking!

My number one important tip for having beautiful skin is directed mostly towards the ladies that wear make up – make sure that you wash your face before you go to sleep, and be sure that there’s nothing other than moisturizer on your face when you go to sleep. No make up of course, but make sure that there’s not any lingering SPF sunscreen
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