
DealDash Summer Safety: Bugs

Unfortunately bugs and summer go hand in hand, let’s look at the kinds of bugs that you might encounter and what to do if you get bitten.

There are many many types of bugs, and most of them are completely harmless. Sometimes you run into a bug that bites or stings, though. Here is a quick and handy guide to what you should do in case you get into a confrontation with a bug and end up with a little injury.

Bees – There are many many types of bees out there such as Bumble, Honey, Carpenter, and Africanized. These  — Read full post


DealDash Wants You to Have Budget Fun

The summer is well underway but there is still time to have fun before school starts again and you and your kids are locked into a schedule. Here are a few free or low-cost ways to have fun.

Obviously, my favorite way to have fun is to play on DealDash, my best way to entertain myself no matter what the season. However, the kids prefer to get outside in the warmth and the sunshine, so I guess I will just have to use my DealDash app on my phone to bid on the go!

One of my kid’s favorite ways  — Read full post


DealDash Rules Summer

How is your summer going so far? We’re done with the 4th of July, the next big holiday is Labor Day on Monday, September 5th. Let’s make the most of the summer before it’s over!

Have you and your family made any fun day trips yet this summer? Depending on where you live there are most likely many fun places that you can go to spend the day, feel like you had a little vacation, but not spend money on plane tickets or hotels. There are lots of fun places that you can visit that don’t have to break the  — Read full post


DealDash Talks about Sun Safety

Skin cancer might not be a fun subject to talk about, but since we are in the thick of summer it’s an important thing to think about.

By this time everyone know that going outside in the hot summer sun without any kind of SPF sunscreen or protective clothing such as a hat or sunglasses is not a good idea. Sometimes we need a little reminder, though, so here is yours:

Be sure to wear your sunscreen this summer.

Sometimes even if you are extremely diligent in protecting yourself against the sun’s harmful rays they can sneak past you anyway.  — Read full post


DealDash Cooks: Favorite Cold Drinks

As much as I love hot tea and coffee in the winter the summer has an amazing drink selection as well. Here are a few recipes for delicious drinks your family will love.

Vietnamese Sparkling Limeade – This is definitely my top pick for drink of the summer season. It’s delicious, refreshing, and not very high in calories.


  • 2 tablespoons granulated sugar (I like the “Sugar in the Raw” type)
  • 1/2 cup very hot water
  • 1 handful of fresh mint taken off the stems
  • 8 limes, halved for easy juicing
  • Ice
  • Sparkling water (cold)


  1. In a small bowl,
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