DealDash Asks: Are You Maximizing Your Workout?

DealDash workout

Most people try to work out and stay healthy. However, you might not be getting as much out of your workout as you should. Here are some tips and ideas from DealDash.

If you’re starting from couch potato you can’t expect to get to marathoner overnight. Even so, regularly working out can be very beneficial for both your physical and mental health.  For your body, it can help you lose weight, get stronger, reduce health problems, and boost energy. Mentally, it can significantly reduce stress. Unfortunately, most people don’t know how to make the most out of their workout, especially if they are a beginner. Let DealDash help.

Make a Schedule (And Stick to it)

You don’t (and shouldn’t) work out every single day, but you should definitely make a schedule. If you want to make the most out of your workouts you’ll want to plan them out. For instance, you might want to do your upper body on Mondays and Fridays, and your lower body on Wednesdays and Sundays. It doesn’t really matter how you split it up, just be sure to take a couple of days off per week. If you want to do some other type of light exercise that day such as walking or swimming, that’s great as well.

Don’t just jump right into your workout. Take some time at the beginning of your workout for warming up. Also, include some time at the end of your workout for cooling down. Your warm-up and cool-down are important so that you don’t accidentally injure the muscles in your body.

Now, Change Up That Schedule!

Yes, I know that I just advised above to make a workout schedule. The schedule is important, and it’s good for your body to stick to it. However, once your body has become accustomed to the schedule, it’s time to change it up. This doesn’t mean that your workout has to be longer or more strenuous – just different.

For example, if you normally jog on the treadmill for an hour on Mondays, then change that to using the rowing machine instead. Or if you normally lift weights on Thursdays, then take a boxing class instead. Changing your schedule every month or so can be very beneficial for your workout goals.

Keep a Workout Journal

A big reason that people don’t progress in their fitness is because they don’t keep track of it. If you get a notebook and jot down your workouts every time, their duration, how you feel, and your goals for the future, you’ll be ahead of the game. Your workout journal doesn’t have to be anything fancy – you can even just get a calendar with big squares to write in, and do it on there. It’s important that you can look back at your progress and see how far you’ve come – and look to the future and see where you want to go.

Thanks for Reading

I hope that you found this new DealDash article on workouts helpful. Reading the DealDash Reviews and our sister blog DealDash Tips daily is always a good idea, since you can learn interesting things about DealDash and many other things.

Need new exercise clothing or equipment? Check DealDash for sneakers, yoga gear, gift cards, and more. Always check DealDash first. DealDash has it all, therefore, you should visit DealDash now. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

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This blog was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.