Health Kids and Parenting

DealDash Stays Healthy During the Winter


Winter is just about here. Try to stay healthy with these tips from DealDash.

When you are a parent keeping your kids healthy is your top priority. Also, you should work to keep yourself healthy, too. This is especially true in the winter months. Here are some simple tips that you can use to help keep yourself and your kids as healthy as possible in winter, from DealDash.

Get Enough Sleep

You need to make sure that you and your children are getting enough sleep. Kids can get get a little overly active being stuck inside. Ergo, you need to  — Read full post

Kids and Parenting

DealDash: Indoor Winter Activities for Kids


Winter is coming! Here are some fun activities for your kids to do inside, from DealDash.

With the weather getting cooler parents are no doubt trying to think of activities for their kids to do indoors. It’s important to keep the kids entertained. Here are a few fun activities that you can do with your kids the next time that it is too cold to be outside, from DealDash.

Make a Treasure Hunt

You can plan a treasure hunt for your kids to do indoors. It doesn’t need to be anything too complex, just a few clues for them to  — Read full post


DealDash Helps: Save Money on Heating


Winter is coming. It’s time to think about saving on heating costs, with DealDash.

With cooler months quickly approaching, you need to start thinking about heating your home for the winter. Unfortunately, this becomes incredibly expensive for a lot of families, especially those that use oil heating. Here are a few ways you can save on heating your home this winter, from DealDash.

Pile on the Layers

One very simple way to save money on your heating bill is to wear warm clothing or wrap up in a blanket. If you wear lighter clothing around the house you will find  — Read full post


DealDash Finds Beauty in the Little Things

DealDash Reviewed

Are you feeling a little annoyed at the snow, wondering when Spring will be here? It’s going to be a little while longer. Enjoy the little things.

Winter is so dark and dreary, I for one yearn to see the fresh new blades of grass and flower blooms that come with Spring. It’s so nice to see all of the little birds and animals come out of hiding when the new vegetation starts to sprout. Unfortunately, that’s still a little while off, Spring officially starts on March 20th, so we still have a couple of months left to go. Let’s  — Read full post


DealDash Winter Dates

Image result for winter date ideas

Winter is not typically a time that’s great for dating if you live somewhere that gets a lot of snow. Here are some indoor and outdoor date ideas from DealDash.

Burrrrrr! Who wants to leave the house when it’s cold and snowy outside? Well, if you’ve got a hot date, maybe it will motivate you to take off those fuzzy slippers and put on some boots instead. DealDash has some fun and relatively inexpensive winter date ideas.

Ice Skating

I’m personally not a fan of ice skating, but lots of people love it! If you look at the happy couple  — Read full post