
DealDash Skin: Minimizing Pores

DealDash skin pores

Pores. Everyone has them, and it’s an important part of skin care to take care of them. Here are some tips and suggestions from DealDash.

Contrary to popular belief, pores don’t grow and shrink at will. Rather, pores appear larger when they are dirty and clogged. Don’t believe claims of skin cleansers “shrinking” pores, they are just cleaning them out so they appear smaller. Here are some ideas from DealDash to keep your pores looking their best.

Take Off That Makeup

Removing your makeup at the end of the day is an important part of skin care. If you don’t  — Read full post


DealDash – Maintaining Your Radiant Beauty

dealdash beauty skin care

Taking good care of your body and skin is important. Here are some of DealDash’s best tips to maintain your body and skin.

Taking good care of your health, body, and skin is very important, especially as we age. It isn’t as simple as just washing your face, there’s more to it than that. Here are some top tips for maintaining your radiant beauty from DealDash.

5 Simple Tips

Here are five of the best simple tips and activities to keep your natural beauty fresh and radiant at any age:

  1. Sleep

You don’t have to stay up late, you’re  — Read full post


DealDash Dries Hair

Image result for old fashioned hair dryer

I would wager a guess that almost all of the people who are reading this article have used a hair dryer at some point in their life. However, most people probably don’t know the history of the hair dryer. DealDash does…

The hair dryer was invented in France in 1890, by a salon owner named  Alexander F. “Beau” Godefroy. The hair dryer that he created was the stationary kind that looks similar to the ones seen in salons today, with the seat for the person to sit on, and the hood that goes over the head. His version, however, was  — Read full post