Bid Packs on DealDash

Two Types of Bid Packs on DealDash

There are two types of bid packs on DealDash. You have the regular bid packs that get your started and are on sale most of the time and you have bid packs which you can win and regularly come up for auction.

The normal bid packs are great because you get exactly what you pay for. For example if you are buying a bid pack, let’s say for 180 bids, you can expect to pay $32.40 for them and you get exactly that: 180 bids for $32.40.

These bid packs go on sale frequently. Depending on the holiday, day of the week, or whenever DealDash has a sale, you can purchase these bid packs at a variety of different prices and always less than 60¢ per bid which is the “normal cost of bids”. I particularly like it when the bid packs are on sale at $0.15/per bid and DealDash has a promotion when the Free Bid Timer is multiplied by 2X or 3X. This generates your time as highest bidder free bid rewards much faster and you earn way many more free bids!

Bid Packs for sale on DealDash

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The other kind of bid pack is the one you can bid on to try and win. I personally like bidding on DealDash bid packs and on gift cards. To me bidding is fun and I like the entertainment value I get from bidding. Of course I like winning stuff, but I really enjoy the bidding aspect and what goes into bidding. With the time as highest bidder free bid rewards, the more you bid the more you earn free bids! This is very exciting and DealDash is the only online pay to play auction site that rewards its customers with free bids like this. I like it and it keeps me entertained.

Bid Packs on DealDash

By Gigi Pence

A little about myself:  I’ve been bidding on DealDash for about two years and really like it. I like to frequent DealDash because it is fun and entertaining. I’ve gone to other sites but find myself coming back to DealDash because of the ability to get your bids back with the buy it now option.