who plays on DealDash?

Who’s Bidding On DealDash?

Ever wonder who is bidding on DealDash? Ever wonder who these people really are ?

I’ve noticed there are many grandmas bidding on DealDash! Do you think that you might make friends with some of the bidders in real life? I notice that at different times of the day you’ll find different types of people bidding on Deal Dash.

Early in the morning are the people who need a few minutes to themselves before they go to work. I’d say there are also a few moms that have sent the kids off to school. Mid-day there are the stay at home moms and retired folks. Just before the kids get home from school there seems to be numerous people on. Then the moms go away for a short time. Ever notice that the “grandmas” disappear in the afternoon, perhaps a short nap?

After everyone has had dinner the site seems to get busy again. This is when all sorts of people with nothing else to do come to the site and bid on just about everything simply to be playing the game. I imagine for some it is not even about wanting or needing the item or even saving some money – they just want to play.

I love to watch some of the bidders. There are many that seem to have “good sense” and I would probably make friends with them in real life. These are the people that make Deal Dash fun. It’s nice to see someone get a good deal on something. I like to win but it’s fun to see your would be friends win too.

So who are you out there in Deal Dash land ?


who plays on DealDash?