DealDash: Tips to Save on Monthly Bills

Small savings can add up. Use these tips from DealDash to save on your monthly bills.

You might think that you need to make some drastic changes to save on your monthly bills, but that isn’t actually true. Lots of small changes can add up to big savings. Use these tips from DealDash to save on your monthly bills.

Cancel Unneeded Subscriptions

If you go over your bank account very closely you might be surprised to find that you are paying $5 here and $10 there for subscriptions that you forgot that you signed up for. Or, subscriptions that you signed up for a free trial and forgot to cancel. Some common “mini” subscriptions that you may have signed up for and forgot about can include:

  • Phone apps
  • In-game currency
  • News websites
  • Music cloud sites

There are a few different apps that can help you find these subscriptions, or you can do it yourself with your monthly bank statement. You wouldn’t throw a $10 bill on the ground each month and walk away, so why are you paying for subscriptions that you aren’t actively using?

Shop Around for Entertainment Providers

Next, there are so many cable/internet and streaming video services out there that you don’t have to simply use the cable company in your area. For instance, there are 3 different cable companies that are available in my town. Most of them offer a special rate when you sign a 2-year contract. So when our contract is on its last month we check out the rates and specials from the other ones in town. We are actually switching companies next week and will be saving $40 per month on our cable/internet bill! My best friend actually canceled her cable completely and subscribes to 2 different streaming video services instead. She cut her entertainment bill in half by doing this.

Get “Must Buys” on DealDash

Finally, a great way to save on your monthly expenses is to use DealDash for things that you plan on buying anyway. For example, if you are planning on buying a new purse, watch, suitcase, or scarf, why not bid on DealDash? You can bid with assurance because if you don’t win the auction you can always do a “Buy It Now”. When you don’t win an item you can pay the “BIN” price to purchase the item, and you will receive back all of the bids that you spent trying to win it. You can use these bids for a different auction. You even get free shipping! Click here to see what’s up for bid today.

Thanks for Reading

I hope that this article has given you some suggestions on how to save money on your monthly bills. Thanks for reading the newest blog article. I hope that you found this DealDash article helpful.

Shop for purses, luggage, and clothing with free shipping DealDash. Treat yourself to something nice. Have fun and happy bidding everyone!



This sponsored DealDash blog article was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated for writing this article. Check out Dawn and her cats on Instagram! This blog is written by real DealDash customers. The opinions and advice shared here represent our customers’ views and not those of the company.