Has life been getting you down lately? Read these tips and tricks from DealDash for taking a mental break without leaving home!
Reading this article will provide you with a few questions that you can utilize to develop a small mental vacation. Sometimes it’s hard to keep your head up in the face of such a crazy world. We are all so busy with work, family life, friends, etc., that it can be difficult to find time for yourself – but you’re not alone! DealDash has put together some tips on how to take care of ourselves when there doesn’t seem like enough hours in the day. Check them out below.
Want a Mental Break? Take a Staycation!
What is better than the idea of a staycation? A staycation, or vacation at home, might seem like an unlikely way to take time off from work and relax. But with so many options on how you can spend your break-from-reality, it’s worth considering this alternative option. We all need some mental downtime occasionally; even if it means staying in our
own backyard! If you’re not familiar with the word “staycation”, it basically means to take a “vacation” at home. There are a bunch of reasons why this might be the perfect time to relax, including:
• You don’t have to travel anywhere. This can save you money on transportation and gas costs, as well as prevent any issues that may arise while traveling (like getting sick).
• It’s cheaper than going on a vacation because it doesn’t have to use up any of your PTO days from work, you can make your staycation as short (or long!) as you want it to be.
• There are plenty of activities that you can do on a staycation, like cooking your favorite meal from scratch or spending time with loved ones.
In summary, a staycation is a great way to take a mental break without spending money or using up vacation days from work. Don’t just take my word for it, though, be sure to give it a try yourself!
DealDash Will Pamper You
Also, why not take a little “me time” and pamper yourself? DealDash has some amazing items that would be great for helping you achieve your mental rest this Spring. From fluffy bathrobes to scented candles, there are plenty of ways to pamper yourself at home. Some people enjoy using an aromatherapy diffuser (to help calm your mind), or even putting lavender essential oil or sprigs of lavender in a vase for the bedroom and/or living room. If you’re interested in learning more about using aromatherapy to relax, the Psychology Today site has a great article on how to use aromatherapy to relax.
Additionally, some other ways to pamper yourself during a staycation are to take time out for yourself and do things that make you feel good. So why not give your feet the extra love they deserve by giving them some foot rubs or pampering with pedicures, scrubs, and lotion? The key is to find what feels right for you, but remember: this is supposed to be fun! DealDash has some items to help you relax and pamper yourself, such as a powerful shoulder massager, fluffy socks, and soft and delightful towels.
Thanks for Reading
Thanks so much for reading this article on how to take a mental break. I hope that you found these tips helpful for taking a much-needed break at home. Use my suggestions, and you will be able to enjoy a good mental break and be more productive during the rest of your day/week. Be sure to relax and take care of yourself while you are at home so you can be refreshed and ready to go the next day.
Do you want to get items to relax? Go check DealDash for spa and relaxation items. You will find all of the things that you need to pamper yourself. Visit DealDash now to see how much you can save. Have a great time and happy bidding everyone!
This sponsored DealDash blog article was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated for writing this article. Check out Dawn and her cats on Instagram! This blog is written by real DealDash customers. The opinions and advice shared here represent our customers’ views and not those of the company.