DealDash Reviews And Why Customers Love Auctions

Why I Love DealDash Penny Auctions

DealDash Reviews And Why Customers Love Auctions

Why do I love the penny auctions at DealDash? Well for starters, I like the rush I get when I “win” a Deal Dash auction – especially the ones where you only use 10 to 15 bids and only pay $0.56!

Those are the ones that give me the most rush. Not because I didn’t use a lot of bids but because I “won” a $15 gift card. Ok, the use of very few bids gives me a rush as well but the price is what really gets me!

The ability to bid on items that I would buy anyway with the added auction aspect makes the whole concept very intriguing and a fun shopping experience. For example if I were to go to Burger King, I would spend around $15. I have no problem using bids on it and getting it for 56 cents because I would spend the money anyway. DealDash’s policy to give you the option of Buying It Now and getting your bids back keeps the site at the top of my list. I don’t ever feel like I’ve lost when I have the choice to purchase the item I was bidding on and get my bids back. Plus all items, no matter what they are, come with free shipping so you don’t have to worry about hefty shipping fees.

The No Jumper limit is another thing I really like about the site. With this, as soon as the bidding gets to a certain dollar amount, the auction doesn’t allow new bidders into the mix which is good because new people who just logged onto the site can not come in at the end of an auction and take it from the ones who have used their bids to get the price up to a certain amount. I think it makes it fair to the bidders. Only the bidders who placed a bid in the auction at the beginning (before $5 limit) are able to participate.

I’ve been bidding on for about two years and really like it. I’ve gone to other sites but find myself coming back to Deal Dash because of it’s ability get your bids back when you don’t win an auction when you buy it now.

By Gigi Pence

ALSO SEE: 3 Helpful Questions To Ask Yourself When Bidding On DealDash