Try These Before Bed Routines From DealDash
By this point in your life you have probably settled in with a bedtime routine. Try to incorporate these ideas from DealDash to make bedtime even better.
It’s said that it takes a minimum of 21 days to form a new habit, so consistency is a key factor in adding or removing things to your bedtime routine. What you add or remove from your current routine is up to you, but give these ideas from DealDash a try.
Skin Care
Washing and moisturizing your face is a must. If you aren’t currently doing these two things before bed you should start as soon as possible. Washing your face can be a bit of a chore sometimes, so feel free to use make-up wipes to cleanse your skin if you prefer. There is also a product called micellar water that is used by putting it on a cotton ball to cleanse the skin, no water needed. After cleansing, be sure to put on a moisturizer, especially in the winter.
Turn Off the Screens
Try to get all of your DealDash bidding in before bedtime. Turn off your phone, computer, and tablet an hour before you go to sleep. The light emitted from the screen promotes wakefulness. Not only that, but the content can sometimes keep you awake longer than planned and interfere with bedtime.
If you would like to do an activity before bed to help you relax try reading a novel, puzzle books, magazines, knitting, or listening to music.
Think About Your Day
Before you drift off to sleep, give some thought to your day. What was great, what could have been better? How can you make tomorrow into a great day? Is there anything that happened today that you’d like to correct tomorrow? What do you have to look forward to the following day or the rest of the week?
Give Thanks
Whether you’re the sort of person who likes to pray, meditate, or both, giving thanks is an excellent way to end the day. Think about the positives in your life, your loved ones, and your friends. No matter what’s going on in your life, there’s a pretty good chance that it could be worse, so give thanks that it’s not!
Thinking about all of the things that you are thankful for at the end of the day can promote happiness. It can also promote good dreams, restfulness, and peaceful sleep. Just think, maybe the next night one of the items on your “thankful list” might be “I had a great night of sleep last night!”
I hope that you found this new DealDash article on bedtime tips and routines helpful. If you are shopping for new sheets, a comforter, or other home item, check DealDash first. DealDash has it all, and more! Visit DealDash now. DealDash wants to make your home more beautiful. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!