Kids and Parenting Outdoors

DealDash Makes a Bird Feeder With Kids


Making a bird feeder with kids is a great craft. Enjoy time with your kids watching the birds come to eat. Read on for instructions from DealDash.

If your kids love animals, and you have been looking for a fun project to do with them, making a bird feeder is a good activity. Your kids will enjoy nature, while they make a bird feeder. Making a bird feeder is not as complicated as it may seem. Here are some tips to make a bird feeder with your kids, from DealDash.

Read the Instructions and Gather Supplies

Before you begin to  — Read full post

Kids and Parenting Outdoors

DealDash Kids: Summer Water Games


With the warmer weather outside, kids will want to be out playing in the sunshine. Kids love water games! Read on for more information from DealDash.

Summer is approaching, and it is most likely going to be a hot one. Kids love to play outside during the summertime even when it is hot. Playing water games is a good option because it can keep your children cool during the hot summer days. Here are 3 fun water games for kids, from DealDash.

Water Balloon Toss

A water balloon toss is a classic water game that your kids can play. All  — Read full post

Home Outdoors

DealDash Decorates Your Yard for the Summer


Summer is coming up fast! Here are some ideas from DealDash for decorating your yard for the summer.

The summertime is almost here. The weather is slowly getting warmer, and it is time to decorate your yard for the summer. Giving your yard a nice summer look will set the mood for the summertime.  Do you want to spice up your yard for the hottest season of the year? There are many decorations that you can use in your yard. Here are three ways to decorate your yard for the summer, from DealDash.

Twinkle Lights

Lights are not just for  — Read full post

Kids and Parenting Outdoors Seasonal and Holiday

Spring Break Fun With Kids and DealDash


Spring break is just around the corner. You’ll need to keep your kids entertained. Here are some ideas from DealDash.

It is almost time for spring break. Spring break is a time where your kids get to take a break from school and enjoy some family time. Whether you decide to stay home for spring break or go somewhere on vacation, there are some fun activities you can do. Here are three fun spring break activities for kids, from DealDash.

Play Games Outside Together

Now that the weather is getting warmer, spring break is the perfect time to play games  — Read full post

Outdoors Seasonal and Holiday

Tips From DealDash for Using a Snow Blower


Using a snow blower can be mysterious if you are new to the experience. Here are some tips from DealDash to familiarize yourself with your snow blower.

Snow blowers will certainly permit you to comfy up inside your home for much longer during the winter time than if you were to only use a shovel. Using a snow blower will shorten the time that you need to spend on snow removal by hours! However, they are not completely intuitive to use. Here are some tips and tricks from DealDash to be the master of your snow blower.

Single Stage Snow

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