DealDash Encourages Eco-Friendly Lifestyles

The Earth belongs to all of us, let’s take care of it. Every little bit helps, give it a try today!
May is the perfect month to start going green and make some simple changes to lead a more eco-friendly lifestyle. With the beginning of summer just around the corner, there’s no better time to start being mindful of our impact on the environment and take actionable steps to make positive changes. Read this article for some tips and tricks from DealDash to get started.
Going green doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task and it doesn’t require large-scale change. Start small and make gradual changes in your daily life that create a more sustainable lifestyle. Here are some easy tips to get you started on your journey to being more environmentally conscious.
Quick Tips for Eco-Friendly Living
1. Reduce your energy consumption – turn off electronic devices when not in use, switch to energy-efficient lightbulbs, opt for natural light when possible, and unplug chargers and other appliances when not in use. Turn down the heat and air conditioning when you’re not home and turn off the lights when you’re not using them.
2. Adopt a reusable water bottle – single-use plastic water bottles have a devastating effect on our planet, so make sure to take a reusable water bottle with you everywhere you go. Not only will this help reduce plastic waste, but you’ll save money in the long run as well.
3. Shop second-hand – instead of buying new items, shop at thrift stores and consignment shops to reduce waste from excess production and use materials that already exist.
4. Cut back on food waste – plan meals, buy only what you’ll eat, and compost any food scraps. Also, consider buying locally-grown produce from farmers’ markets to reduce the environmental impact of transportation and packaging.
5. Choose eco-friendly cleaning products – many cleaning agents contain toxic chemicals that can harm the environment and your health. Choose natural and biodegradable products that are less harsh on the environment.
6. Befriend Green transportation – prefer green modes of transportation like cycling, walking, or public transport to reduce your carbon footprint from vehicles. Invest in a bicycle if you can and take it for short trips and errands, or carpool with your friends or coworkers.
7. Reduce the amount of paper that you use – switch to digital versions of documents where possible and print double-sided to save paper.
Want more suggestions? Check out the Green Match website. You’ll find tons of tips to help you on your eco journey.
DealDash Has Eco-Friendly Items
One of the easiest and healthiest ways to be environmentally friendly is to use a reusable water bottle. DealDash has different styles of reusable water bottles that are perfect to begin your green journey. However, if you want to do something unique for the environment, check out the longboard (skateboard) auctions up for bid. Longboards are much easier to use than smaller trick skateboards and have a smoother ride. If you’re looking for a way to get healthy and help the environment, try riding a longboard from DealDash for quick errands instead of the car.
Thanks for Reading
Thanks so much for reading this new article from DealDash. These are just a few of the simple steps you can take to start going green in May and start living a more sustainable lifestyle. While the changes may seem small, even the smallest step can make a big difference. With a little effort and dedication, you can make your own home and lifestyle more sustainable and help create a better environment for future generations. Have a great day, and happy bidding everyone!
This sponsored DealDash blog article was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated for writing this article. Check out Dawn and her cats on Instagram! This blog is written by real DealDash customers. The opinions and advice shared here represent our customers’ views and not those of the company.