DealDash Health: Be Careful with your Coffee

DealDash coffee

Coffee is the morning beverage of choice for many people. Here are some interesting things you should know, from DealDash.

After your alarm wakes you up in the morning, you will most likely head to the kitchen to prepare your morning coffee. If you belong to the category of people that can not start their daily activities without a cup of coffee, then you should know what you do not have to put anything in your coffee for you to enjoy the real benefits of it.

What Should You Avoid When Drinking?

The dark elixir, as some call it, it helps us to function during the day. Unfortunately, does not have only positive effects. Whether we want to admit it or not, caffeine is a drug, and you need to be careful when you mix coffee with other things. Here are some things you should not add to your coffee if you want it to act as a medicine to your body and not as a drug.

Analgesics – It Can Affect Your Liver

Thankfully, your liver is a very resilient organ, 75% of its tissue can be affected or removed with surgery without liver failure. Even so, it can be affected by too much coffee, especially when it is combined with acetaminophen (Tylenol). This was discovered after scientists from the University of Washington made a study that targeted the effects of the coffee in combination with other substances.

Make it Black (for Your Health)

The consumption of excessive amounts of coffee flavorings such as cream, sugar, and flavor shots. Try not to combine flavorings, the worst thing that you can do for your health is to add not only cream and sugar, but any of the pre-sweetened flavorings that are now offered at various coffee shops. Coffee should be black, nothing more, if you want to keep it healthiest. When you add more flavors, you make your coffee more of a risk to your health. This is because they contain high doses of sugar and artificial flavors and coloring. If you do not like your coffee to be natural and you want to change the taste, try some drops of vanilla or mint or make it sweeter with a more natural sweetener like honey or Stevia.

Grind it Fresh

Remember that if you use coffee beans, you should keep them in the fridge. This is especially important if the package has been opened. The flavor will last for a longer time if you keep things sealed and in the fridge. The fresher the coffee tastes, the less likely you will be to add extra sweeteners and flavors.

Thanks For Reading

I hope that you enjoyed this article on coffee. I admit that I’m guilty of having multiple cups of coffee per day. How about you?!

Need a new coffee maker? Check DealDash for all of your kitchen needs and more. DealDash has everything. Visit DealDash now to see how much you can save. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

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This blog was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.