DealDash Helps: Saving for College


It’s never too early to start saving for college. Let DealDash tell you a few ways to help.

Saving for your child’s higher education costs is one of the most important things that you can do for them. You want to help as much as you can to help them save as much money as possible to be able to pay for college. You should start planning for college costs as soon as possible as this is something that you do not want to put off. Here are some things to keep into consideration when you are looking to save for your child’s college education, from DealDash.

Think About the Big Picture

You should do your best to estimate that costs that will need to be covered when your child is ready to go to college. You want to think about things like tuition, books,  and where they will be living during college. Doing this will help you get a good idea of how much money you are going to need to help them pay for school. Don’t forget their food costs and transportation costs as well. There is no harm in overestimating when it comes to saving for college.

Don’t Forget Financial Aid

Another thing that you need to keep into consideration when you are looking for ways to help pay for college is what kind of financial aid might be available for your child. It’s smart to take advantage of financial aid when they are ready to go to college. You should find out information on what kind of loans, grants and scholarships will be available to your your child. Keep in mind that your child can get many different scholarships and grants at the same time, there’s no harm in applying for all of them that your child is eligible for.

Save, Save, Save

You also need to start putting money away as soon as possible for you to start saving money for your child’s education. Look into what kind of saving account would best handle maximizing your savings. This is so that you can make the most of the money that you have put away for your child’s college education. If you can put all of your spare change and even all of the $1 or even $5 bills that you receive in your child’s college account it will add up quickly.

Save Money with Coupons and DealDash

If you are able to use coupons on items you are planning on buying anyway then put the money you were able to save in your child’s college savings. This goes for DealDash, too! If you were planning on buying a new home item, and are able to win it for less than you were expecting to pay, then put the difference in your child’s college savings.

Thanks for Reading

Keep all of these tips in mind when you are looking into saving money for your child’s college education. It will provide much better results then if you were to put off saving. Remember, it’s never too early to start!

Keep all of these tips from DealDash in mind when you are thinking of saving for your child’s college. Be sure to come back every day for new articles on this blog as well as on our sister blog, DealDash Tips. Want to read about something specific? Leave a comment down below.

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 This sponsored DealDash blog article was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated for writing this article. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.