DealDash Helps with my Animal Rescue Passion
I have been enjoying and participating in auctions on DealDash to obtain merchandise and gift cards for (hopefully) “Black Friday” prices for 13 months. I love the promotions … and … truly appreciate the quality merchandise, always fast FREE shipping, and the Support Team is responsive and there when you need them!
I am retired and have most of the “things and stuff” I need. Holiday shopping is here so there is that excitement to look forward to, but what about the rest of the year?
For me, the excitement and passion lasts all year long. That is because my passion is animal rescue and DealDash helps with this. I am a volunteer Foster Mom for kitties and dogs for my county animal shelter. When I foster these babies, their medical needs are taken care of by the shelter veterinarian. However, the food, litter, treats, cages, carriers, toys and such, are entirely at my own expense. It isn’t cheap to be a Foster Mom but it is satisfying and I love every moment of it.
I am also a member of a volunteer transport group for adopted animals being transported to other cities and states. My last long transport was 732 miles. The gas gift cards I get on DealDash help with my animal rescue effort because we all pay for our own gasoline. Here’s one example of my savings on a gas gift card.

Because of DealDash I can now better afford the things I need to provide care for the animals. Recently, I won a $500 Amazon Gift card for having the DealDash “Best Photo of the Week”. As usual, I am using most of the money on the card for the animals. I received my first order today of kitty litter, four cases of canned dry Royal Canin baby kitten food, several pet toys, kitten vitamins, NutriCal, L-Lysine, and nursing bottles. There is still plenty of money left for more food, litter, supplements, and perhaps a couple of soft-sided pet playpens… now that’s exciting!!!

Recently, I also won two exceptionally nice pet beds on and I used the Buy it Now option (BIN) on a large cage that is housing a fostered quarantine mother cat and her three brand new babies!
DealDash’s BIN option is great because if you don’t win the auction you were bidding on, you can just buy the same item at regular retail price and get back all the bids you used in the auction for free.
Read about My First Year DealDash Review. I have been shopping on DealDash for over a year and remain a loyal customer.
– LuvMyPets