Review DealDash Winning Tips

How DealDash’s Winners Tab Helps You Win

Review DealDash Winning Tips
DealDash Winners Menu Page

One of the most important things when it comes to bidding in penny auctions on is to review the winners page on DealDash. I can not even begin to explain how important this is.

Here are a few ways I use DealDash’s winners tab to help me win more auctions.

1. Who is winning what? Be sure to keep tabs on your opponents. Has the person you are bidding with just won a 600 bid pack? Or worse a 5000 bid pack? You probably don’t stand a chance if they have. Be sure to scan the winners page and see what’s recently sold and to who.

I like to scroll back 2 or 3 days and double check my opponents to see what all they have won. If you press ctrl f on your pc key board it will bring up a finder bar (cmd f for macs). Type in the bidders user name that you are bidding against and see what they have won over the last few days. You may be surprised to find out that yesterday they won four or five bid packs and have bids to blow a dent in your bidding strategy. Let it go, there will be another of the same item coming up for auction again soon. 🙂 That’s one of the best things about shopping on DealDash, they are constantly adding new items up for auction and many of the same items so that bidders can have another shot at winning.

2. Knowing how much an item usually sells for. Last time the auction may have sold for $100 and the time before it went for $97. Having a good idea about how much an auction will sell for can set you up for bidding success so you know the best point to join the auction for your best chances of winning. Watch the auction price and wait for less people to be bidding on the item before joining.

3. Bonus DealDash Bidding Tip and Strategy: Knowing the average selling price can really help you win an auction with few bids. If you know the average selling price, don’t book your bids on your BidBuddy until the items price nears the average selling point. Discover how to find the average selling price of an auction.

Good luck and happy bidding 😛