DealDash Refund Makes it Risk Free to Try

How One DealDasher’s Humble Beginnings Changed How They Shop

How starting to play DealDash became a great way to shop and save.

Strangely enough, my love for the TV show Law and Order: Special Victims Unit started my obsession with our beloved DealDash. I use TiVo every day to record the TV programs that I like to watch, and then I usually fast forward right through the commercials. Sometimes instead of fast forwarding I will get up to get a drink, and on one of those occasions I sat back down on my couch, and on TV was the DealDash commercial. I very briefly said “Hunh, that’s interesting, I’ll  — Read full post Penny Auctions
Bidding Tips Featured Home Review Uncategorized

Discovery of Penny Auctions and How DealDash Reigns

I did not know penny auctions sites existed until I filled out an online survey that asked questions about one. To answer the questions, I became a customer on another site, but there were many things I did not like about it. That’s until I discovered

I became a member on Feb. 8, 2012, and I have been a happy customer ever since.  So far, I won over 565 auctions.  The majority of my winning auctions had a retail value of $100 or less, but I won some high-valued auctions, too, including a 55-inch TV (worth $1,399) for  — Read full post

Deal Dashing Auctions
Bidding Tips Featured Home Review Uncategorized



Dashing through the auctions

With a bushel full of bids

O’er the hills we go

Laughing as we get the win!


Bids on sleds, and dolls

Bids on cards and bikes

Oh what fun it is to watch

Your favorite bidding site!


DealDash, DealDash

Bidding all the way

Oh what fun it is to bid

On a dark and snowy day!


DealDash, DealDash

Bidding all the way

Oh what fun it is to win

The auction I’ve been on today!

Deal Dashing Auctions

Sing or hum this to the Jingle Bells tune. Sometimes we can use a little song to  — Read full post

Gift Cards on DealDash
Bidding Tips Review Uncategorized

Gift Cards are Versatile and Make Great Gifts


I have won so many nice auctions and especially gift cards on DealDash that now when I have something new my friends automatically say “Let me guess, DealDash?” And you know what? They are usually right!

A lot of times the object in question is not directly from DealDash, but from gift cards that I have won or BINned (BIN or Buy it Now, meaning I buy the item at full price and get all my bids back free to try again).

For example, just the other day, my neighbour was asking me about my bike that I got  — Read full post

challenges of winning penny auctions
Bidding Tips Home Review Uncategorized

Challenges of Winning Penny Auctions

While the challenges of winning penny auctions has always been one of the reasons we bid, I find it’s the uneducated bidders who make the auction winning the most challenging.

Meeting the challenges requires bidders to be more informed than ever to win. How do we meet these challenges of winning penny auctions while still maintaining our bidding budget? This is the dilemma. While the Buy it Now option which DealDash offers is the best of any other penny auction site, no one really wants to buy it now 10 times more often than winning.

My best advice to keep  — Read full post