keurig 2.0

Keurig your Mornings with a Fresh Brew

One of my favorite wins from DealDash, which I use everyday, is the Keurig Coffee Maker I won!

I had previously tried a couple times to win the ever elusive Keurig, but never succeeded. One morning there was a Keurig coming up for auction and I thought to myself.. “why not?”.  So I started bidding on it and decided this time I would book some bids in my bid buddy and then not watch it. I of course had my fingers crossed in hopes that I would win! So around 9:00am I came to check and to my surprise I  — Read full post

GoPro Picture of the Day
Review Uncategorized

GoPro with DealDash

DealDash is a wonderful deal shopping site where you can win all sorts of items like a GoPro camera at great prices.  They also have a great feature called buy it now, which allows you to purchase an item at cost if you do not win the auction.

The best part about the buy it now is DealDash will refund all of your bids from that auction which you can then use towards another item.

Last year my best win was on a GoPro Hero 3+ Black edition and it was a fantastic win!  The item brand new cost $400  — Read full post

Deals on Desk Chairs on DealDash
Bidding Tips Home Review

How to get a Deal on a Leather Ergonomic Desk Chair

Writing about my wins on has always been a source of pleasure for me.  I bid on items I want or need around my own home or gift cards that will be used for household purchases.  However, the wins I enjoy the most are for the cards or items I am planning to give away as gifts, like this Leather Ergonomic Desk Chair I recently won for my grandson.

While visiting one day at my daughter’s in late October, she told me to go look at the desk chair my youngest grandson had in his room.  He uses the  — Read full post

hello kitty
Bidding Tips Home Review

DealDash Supplies, My Secret Habit, Hello Kitty


My best friend and I were really happy when I started winning Hello Kitty items on DealDash. Looking at me, a woman in her 30’s with two children, including a young girl, you might say “Aww that’s cute, you and your daughter are best friends and you share her hobby.” No, I am talking about my best friend that I have known for years, another woman in her 30s!

We are both Hello Kitty fanatics, and between us we have at least 100 Hello Kitty items collected since childhood. I however, am quickly surpassing her in items for our  — Read full post


DealDash Auction Blasts Amass Great Wins

When you see the count down begin for the DealDash Auction Blasts, get ready for some outstanding wins!

Last Friday the DealDash special was Black Friday in December and DealDash offered bids at only 14 cents! On top of this DealDash scheduled Auction Blasts where there were 200 auctions all starting at once! This is always a very cool night when DealDash does this, having the count down clock on display all day so you can prepare.
One thing that really helps me win during these Auction Blasts is to scroll through all of the auctions before they even start.
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