Winners List on DealDash
Bidding Tips Uncategorized

How the Winners List Helps You Win

Do you periodically check the winners list before you invest a large number of bids in an auction? I started doing that. Why? The winners list provides valuable information that could help you win auctions using fewer bids.

For example, on Nov. 19, I looked at the winners list to see who recently won big bid packages. I saw that jeanice083071 won 2,000 bids, Melgrant44 won 800 bids, Car7570 and ilmnanaag each won 600 bids, FelixtheCat won two bid packages of 300 bids each and lynn1998 won 300 bids. I wrote down those screen names, knowing that if I were  — Read full post

Toys, Kids & Baby on DealDash
Bidding Tips Review

Toys, Kids & Baby is Fun for Everyone on DealDash


Hello fellow DealDashers, today I would like to talk to you about one of my favorite sections that DealDash has called “Toys, Kids & Baby.”

This is an absolute great category that DealDash offers, no matter if you are a New Mom, a Mom of Many, a Father, Grandma, or just someone who enjoys things traditionally labeled as “kid’s” things such as Lego sets. I’ll admit, I am a grown woman with 2 kids and I still like to play with Legos occasionally– It’s great that my son likes them, too, it’s a great bonding activity and I don’t  — Read full post

Bid Better on DealDash

Ways To Help You Bid Better

Often the opportunity to bid on an auction comes up and you think, “Boy, I could really use that!”. After buying your bids and settling down to see who is in the auction, you decide to start bidding without using your bid buddy. Here’s a few ways to help you bid better.

After 10 bids you are not seeing the result of the win and hardly noticed who else was on the auction.  Here is where “waiting your turn” and holding up your bids comes into play for a way to bid better.  Isolate the auction to see how many  — Read full post

holiday dinner parties with DealDash
Review Uncategorized

Spice Up Your Holiday Parties

Of course everyone thinks about birthdays and Christmas when shopping for gifts on DealDash. What about different events, parties or happenings year round?

Especially with the holiday season upon us, let’s face it! We’re hosting dinner parties for our family and friends. Normally we don’t need several pots and pans for just our family, but all of a sudden when our guest list starts filling up and we’re going to be expecting more people than usual for our dinner party, one could use another pot or two. Since the holiday parties don’t not happen that often, it’s better not to  — Read full post

Surprise Wins on DealDash

Surprise Wins Are The Best

Having been a member of for over two years, I still get a nice surprise when I get an amazing win.

One of my biggest DealDash surprise wins was for an HP Laser Jet Office Pro printer (a $300 value) which I was bidding on while I was at work. I set my bid buddy with the number of bids I wanted to use in the auction and left it alone. As I arrived back home from work I found I had won the auction with 198 bids! I love the printer and had a wonderful surprise winning it  — Read full post