DealDash Christmas
Home Review

Christmas Is Four Months Away

I know we are still four months away from Christmas but I am starting my DealDash Christmas shopping now!

I need to stretch my gifts budget as far as I can so before the Christmas shopping rush gets too overwhelming, I’m stocking up on my stocking stuffers and gifts. 

My oldest daughter is married and they live on the income her husband makes as the sole bread winner. I know they need household items, including furniture, so I scanned the pages of DealDash auctions in hopes to find something suitable I could win and gift to them. I saw an  — Read full post

DealDash Username
Home Review

DealDash Username – What Does It Say About You?

“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet” is a commonly quoted part of a dialogue in William Shakespeare‘s play Romeo and Juliet. This got me thinking about my DealDash username.

What’s Your DealDash username and what does it say about you? Is it tricky? Is it threatening? Is it cute? Or, is your DealDash username just your name spelled out a bit differently? On there are over 4,000,000 registered users all with unique DealDash usernames. Think about the different usernames we have to come up with in order to be unique or different!

Some  — Read full post

Buy it Now on DealDash
Bidding Tips Home Review

Buy it Now After Quick and Easy Math

Before I begin bidding on I figure out how many bids I am willing to use to win each auction, based on the retail value of the item I want and the final closing cost before I decide to move forward with the Buy it Now option.

It is not necessary to use a calculator to get an exact figure. Instead, I found a quick and easy way to do the math and still get a pretty good idea how many bids I can use in an auction without paying more than an item is worth, and know when  — Read full post

DealDash BidBuddy Alarm

DealDash BidBuddy Alarm

Have you lost track of the number of auctions you have lost because the bids ran out on your DealDash BidBuddy while distracted?

I have to say this is the most frustrating thing, to click back on my auction tab, and see that I lost. Then to add insult to injury, see I was the next to the last bidder – AKA first loser! The DealDash BidBuddy is a great thing because, and I admit, I get bored watching an auction so I will surf the web, read e-mail, pay bills, or get on Facebook.

On one of my customer  — Read full post

Penny Auction Sites Vs DealDash
Bidding Tips Home Review

Penny Auction Sites vs. DealDash

Of all of the penny auction sites I have bid on, DealDash is the best. If you are looking for a penny auction site that you feel is honest and trustworthy, DealDash has met the challenge.

I have bid on at least ten other penny auction sites and here are some of the differences.

Bid packs – on DealDash – usually can get them on sale for 18 cents or less. Today (Labor Day) they are on sale for only 14 cents!
Bid packs – on other penny auction sites – could be anywhere from 60 cents to 80 cents  — Read full post