Play Smart Win DealDash
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Play Smart Play To Win On DealDash

One common question new bidders might ask is “How can I play smart and win big on DealDash?”

I discovered on Feb. 8, 2012, and I have been having fun shopping on this penny auction site ever since. During a 50 percent off auction April 16, I won a $25 Bed, Bath & Beyond gift card for only 3 bids and 15 cents.  Wins like this are what makes shopping on so exciting and fun.

Play Smart Win DealDash

To play smart and win big, try this DealDash winning strategy:

Instead of placing just one bid at the beginning of the auction,  — Read full post

Barbara Sellers DealDash
Home Review

DealDash And Photography Heaven

I love auctions that feature cameras, camera bags, zoom lenses and anything and everything that has to do with my favorite hobby – photography.

Today I used my Panasonic Lumix High Sensitivity camera to take outdoor photos of spring time in Western Washington. I won this $339 camera on for only $12.99 and 212 bids. I like using this camera to capture close-up pictures of flowers, bees and bugs. Today I took photos of my cherry tree and tulips in bloom, but I also use my Panasonic to take photos of items I sell online. It is a  — Read full post

How to Get Free DealDash Bids
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5 Ways To Get Free DealDash Bids

How to Get Free DealDash Bids

How many Free DealDash bids can you get??? Plus $500 Gift card!!!

This is one of the things I love about DealDash, they make it easy for you to keep bidding on the things you want to win.
Its easy, all you have to do is win 1 item!! Then, use that item to collect free DealDash bids!

1. Take a good picture of you with the item you won and post to DealDash’s Facebook page.

If the item value is $199 or above, you’ll get 200 Free bids!
If the item value is $99 to $198, you’ll get 75
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DealDash Reviews
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DealDash Brotherly Love

DealDash Reviews

When I came to DealDash, at my brother’s suggestion, I had been bidding on other penny auction sites that have since closed their doors. It was a good move on my part, however, as a newbie I made lots of “newbie” mistakes.

I bought 200 bids to get started and immediately went after the $100 Shell card, why not? After all, with 200 bids I would certainly be able to win the card. Or, so I thought. After losing my 200 bids and having nothing, nada, zilch to show for it, I sent a scathing email to customer support about  — Read full post

coffee meme DealDash
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DealDash Is My Morning Brew

I have been a member of DealDash since 2012. I have 4 kids and a very busy work life. I have won lots of things on DealDash and saved tons of money. Last year I did all of my Christmas shopping for under $500 for 4 kids!!! I also had a blast doing it too. 🙂

This year I thought it was time for me to do something for myself. I decided it was time to win my Keurig that I have been wanting for years now and that’s exactly what I did. I won a Keurig Mini Plus Single-Serve
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