Cleaning and Organizing

DealDash Quick Tips for Cleaning

If you are ever feeling frustrated that your house isn’t as clean as you would like it – but you don’t have a lot of spare time, DealDash is here to help.

Most people want to have an orderly home and a cleaner space in which to live. It may seem overwhelming to get your house in order, but these quick tips from DealDash that you can use to get your space in order – ASAP! Read these tips and cleaning will be a breeze.

Quick Tips – 1Get a Basket (From DealDash)

To start with, a house  — Read full post


DealDash’s Tips for Relaxation

People have had a tough year, and many need to find ways to relax. DealDash is here to help you with some tips for relaxation.

It can be tough to relax after a stressful day of work. However, being able to relax is very important for your overall wellbeing. You might find at first that it’s difficult to be able to take the time out for yourself for a little pampering and relaxation. As you start making relaxation a priority, though, it will get easier. Read on for some tips for relaxation, from DealDash.

Tips for Relaxation – Soothing Hobby

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DealDash Grills Yummy Burgers

Now that the weather is nicer, it’s grilling season! Burgers are the best, but be sure to avoid these mistakes that DealDash has collected for you. Read on for helpful suggestions on grilling yummy burgers.

One of the easiest things to grill is classic and yummy burgers. However, they aren’t completely fool-proof. You want your burgers to turn out the best they can be, and there are several mistakes that you should avoid when grilling hamburgers. DealDash has more information on grilling the best hamburgers. Read this article, then try them out for dinner.

Want Yummy Burgers? Keep It Simple

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DealDash’s Healthy Snacks for Everyone

Everyone has a snack now and then. However, it’s important that you try to choose healthy snacks that will help fuel your body and not just make you full. DealDash has some suggestions for snacks for everyone.

Kids and adults alike love to have a snack. There are many snacks available that are not healthy, you should try to eat snacks that are both delicious and good for you.  There are many benefits to eating healthy snacks, and you will find that they can be tasty as well. Read on for yummy suggestions and information from DealDash.

Healthy Snacks Pack

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Kids and Parenting

DealDash Kids: Set End-of-Year Goals

There are only a couple of months of school left this year. However, there’s still time to help your kids set end-of-year goals.

Depending on where you live, school will be ending in the next 1.5-2 months. It isn’t a lot of time, but there is time to help them set end-of-year goals. No matter their age, teaching kids how to set goals is a great skill they should learn. The younger the better, of course, but even if your child is in high school, it’s not too late. Kids should know that setting goals is fun and can  — Read full post