School is Back in Session – DealDash Family Fun

Just because the kids are back to school doesn’t mean you can’t have fun family time together!

Now that school is back in full swing, many parents are settling into a routine again. But just because the kids are busy with classes and homework doesn’t mean the fun has to stop! This is a perfect opportunity to focus on smaller, quality activities that strengthen family bonds while fitting into the busy school schedule. There are plenty of things parents can do with their kids to keep the connection strong, even on school nights! Read on for some fun suggestions from DealDash.

Plan a Weekly “Homework Date” Night

Just for starters, instead of treating homework as a chore, make it a fun bonding activity. Set up a cozy space with snacks and drinks, and work side-by-side. While your kids tackle their homework, you can catch up on emails or read a book. Once the work is done, reward everyone with a family board game, movie, or a round of Mario Kart. This regular ritual can turn study time into something everyone looks forward to – even your reluctant students.

Create a DIY Craft Night

Kids are often full of creative energy after school, so why not channel that into a craft night? Gather simple supplies such as construction paper, glue, markers, or even recycled materials. Then let their imaginations run wild. You could make seasonal decorations for the house (Halloween, anyone?), design bookmarks for their school books, or create personalized pencil holders for their desks. Crafting together is a perfect way to relax, chat about their day, and sneak in some quality bonding time. If your kids aren’t naturally artistic, no problem, a plain desk organizer and a few stickers can be a fun and easy project for everyone.

Go for Evening Walks or Bike Rides

As the weather cools down in the fall, it’s the perfect time to enjoy the outdoors without the heat of summer. After dinner, take a family walk or bike ride around the neighborhood. This is a great opportunity to unwind, talk about everyone’s day, and get some fresh air. You can turn it into a little adventure by trying new routes or exploring local parks. Be sure to keep everyone safe from mosquitos by using bug spray or wearing long sleeves.

Host a Family Cooking Challenge

Finally, having fun in the evening means less time for chores. However, you can still have fun with your family in the kitchen. Choose a simple recipe, like tacos or homemade pizza, and assign each family member a role in making dinner. To mix things up, try a “top chef” style cooking challenge, where everyone gets to customize their own meal with different toppings or ingredients. The goal is to enjoy time together and create something delicious as a team. You can get premade pizza dough from many brands, including Pillsbury. However, to make life easier, you can use a pizza kit. The kits come with premade crust and packs of sauce. Simply add shredded cheese and any other toppings your family likes. They are fun and delicious!

DealDash Has Bikes and Scooters for the Family

If taking an evening walk or bike ride with the whole family sounds great, I have good news for you. DealDash not only has bikes for the family but also scooters! It’s never too early to start thinking about Christmas, especially if you’re planning to get something extra special for your kids (or yourself!) this year. You’ll also find plenty of other items for family fun, like sports equipment, on DealDash. No matter what you’re shopping for, be sure to check DealDash first!

Thanks for Reading

Just because school is back in session doesn’t mean family fun has to take a back seat. With a little creativity, you can turn everyday moments into quality time. Whether it’s cooking together, getting crafty, or simply enjoying an evening walk, these small activities will strengthen your family’s connection while fitting into hectic school nights. So, why not start a new tradition this school year and make the most of the time you have together? Thanks so much for reading, and be sure to stop by and see what’s up for bid on DealDash. You’re sure to find something that your family will love. Have a great day, and happy bidding everyone!

This sponsored DealDash blog article was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated for writing this article. Check out Dawn and her cats on Instagram! This blog is written by real DealDash customers. The opinions and advice shared here represent our customers’ views and not those of the company.