
DealDash Helps: Tips for Calming a Frustrated Kid


Children are easily frustrated. Luckily, as parents, you can help them. Here is more information from DealDash.

When your child is frustrated is can be hard to see them in this situation. Whether it is about school work, or friends, or something else you want to do all that you can to help them. And also make sure that you can help them properly deal with their issue. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when you are trying to help a frustrated child, from DealDash.

Help Them Make a List

You should work with your child to  — Read full post


DealDash Helps: Essential School Skills


School is opening back up soon. Here are some essential school skills that your child needs, from DealDash.

Summer is ending soon and parents are thinking about their kids going back to school. They are wondering things like how their child will do academically. You should not worry as your child’s teacher will have that covered. What you should help your child do is learn some essential skills that will assist them in having the best school year that they can. Read on, for more information from DealDash.

Resiliency is Key

You will need to teach them resiliency. Basically, you  — Read full post


DealDash Helps: Childhood Nighttime Fears


Being afraid of the dark can be really scary for kids. Let DealDash give you some tips and suggestions to help.

Being afraid of the dark is a very common and normal fear for children to have. As a mom or dad, it’s important that you help them work through their fears and feel better about the situation. You have to show your child that they are safe in the dark. Try to help your children feel comfortable when they are alone at night in the dark. With your help sleeping in the dark will seem less scary. Here are  — Read full post


DealDash Helps: Encourage Your Child’s Reading

DealDash reading

A love of reading is a very important skill to foster in a child. How does a child learn to read? The love for stories – the best start.

Your child might start learning how to read way before he learns the letters. The learning of reading begins with the love of stories. This means that your child is going to love the stories you read before he learns how to read them himself. This kind of love and passion for reading is created early in his lifetime.

Start Their Love of Reading Young

It is important to read to  — Read full post


DealDash Helps: Help Your Child Concentrate

dealdash helps

Concentration is very important for children when they are studying. Let DealDash show you some ways to help.

Staying focused is fundamental to do well at school, especially for kids nowadays, who are more sensitive to distractions. This is thanks mostly due to new technologies such as TVs, games, smartphones- you name it! This is why focusing can be a helpful exercise, like training for sports, to be done every day. It’s very important if you want your child to be successful when they study. Here are some suggestions to reach that goal, from DealDash.

Concentration and Study Tips

The  — Read full post