
DealDash Helps: Encourage Your Child’s Reading

DealDash reading

A love of reading is a very important skill to foster in a child. How does a child learn to read? The love for stories – the best start.

Your child might start learning how to read way before he learns the letters. The learning of reading begins with the love of stories. This means that your child is going to love the stories you read before he learns how to read them himself. This kind of love and passion for reading is created early in his lifetime.

Start Their Love of Reading Young

It is important to read to  — Read full post


DealDash Helps: Help Your Child Concentrate

dealdash helps

Concentration is very important for children when they are studying. Let DealDash show you some ways to help.

Staying focused is fundamental to do well at school, especially for kids nowadays, who are more sensitive to distractions. This is thanks mostly due to new technologies such as TVs, games, smartphones- you name it! This is why focusing can be a helpful exercise, like training for sports, to be done every day. It’s very important if you want your child to be successful when they study. Here are some suggestions to reach that goal, from DealDash.

Concentration and Study Tips

The  — Read full post


DealDash: Is it Okay to Swim After a Meal?

dealdash swim lunch

People have wondered for ages, is it okay to swim after a meal? DealDash does a little research on the matter.

Now that spring is here and summer is on its way, there will be a lot more swimming in your future. You might be wondering if it’s okay to swim right after eating. It’s a valid question – swimming immediately after lunch: yes or no? It’s very important to figure this out, especially when there are small children involved. Almost every mother wonders this when their child wants to go immediately back into the water after having a meal  — Read full post


DealDash Helps: Teaching Kids the Value of Money

dealdash money kids

Teaching your child the value of money is an important lesson. Let DealDash help.

The value of money is something we are all well aware of, though perhaps not our little children. There comes a moment when they must understand how hard their parents are working for every penny, how we earn money, and how to spend it. Here are some helpful ideas from DealDash.

I don’t think that I am the only mom that has kids which are constantly asking for money to buy something. “Mommy, I really want this Lego set” and with a quick look I see  — Read full post


DealDash Helps: Is Your Child Listening?

DealDash listening

It’s normal for a child to not be the most attentive when you want them to listen. Here are some ideas from DealDash to help you correct the situation.

As an experienced parent or grandparent, you probably know this already, but the way you talk to your toddler is going to have a significant impact on his learning and ability to listen to you. We should always strive to become good examples for our kids. We should show as well as tell them how they should act and behave. However, we should not ignore the fact that we, as parents,  — Read full post