
DealDash Warns: Don’t Clean Your Carpets with This!

DealDash carpet cleaning

You might think that you need to use harsh chemicals to clean your carpets. However, there are two chemical solutions you should not use. Let DealDash help.

Unlike most other materials or fabrics, the carpet can handle filth without showing it. This is why you have the impression that it might be clean and you don’t have to clean it. Take a better look at its fibers, and you will find that the top layer is covered with dust and small spots of dirt. This gives an untidy look to your carpet. This is when you need to clean  — Read full post


DealDash Gets Your Cleaning Schedule in Shape

DealDash cleaning

DealDash would like to help you get on a cleaning schedule. Scheduling your cleaning at home can make life easier.

Have you ever thought about creating a cleaning schedule? If your house feels like a mess, perhaps you should. It is much easier to complete tasks with a schedule for cleaning your home than to have it all pile up. What’s your favorite part of cleaning? Being done with cleaning, of course!

A housekeeping schedule can be created for a day, a week, a quarter or even a season. If you’ve never had a cleaning schedule and your house is  — Read full post


DealDash Kitchen Tricks

DealDash Kitchen

Do you dread cleaning the kitchen? Cleaning your kitchen will go much faster and easier if you use these tricks from DealDash.

Do you wish that you had a clean kitchen, but you don’t find enough time to do it by yourself? You don’t have to feel bad about it! Remember that you are a hard working person who deserves appreciation, especially if you’re the main one who cleans in your household. If you read this article, then you are going to find some helpful advice from DealDash you can use when cleaning up in your kitchen.

Luckily for you,  — Read full post


DealDash Reveals the Dirtiest Home Areas

DEALDASH dirty home areas

You might be surprised at the dirtiest stuff in your home. You might miss cleaning these items because you don’t realize how dirty they are. Let DealDash help.

What do you think are the dirtiest areas in your home? For some reason, the toilet bowl has gained a bad reputation when it comes to the dirtiest. However, this isn’t quite true. Know that there are many other objects that house ten times more germs than the poor “throne.”

If you don’t realize that these things are dirty, you postpone their cleaning. After reading this article you won’t be putting them  — Read full post


Let DealDash Help You Kill Procrastination

DEALDASH procrastination

Stop wasting your precious time with procrastination. Get organized, get your life together, with DealDash.

Do you have a roommate? Let’s hope his name isn’t Mr. Household Clutter! If you are a parent, especially a mom, you should know by now that the most common clutter hot-spot is your children’s bedroom. Clutter can also become a real pain in your office, so here are some tips that will help you organize your stuff and make you comfortable. Stop procrastinating, and let DealDash help you!

Find a Home for Your Items

This is one of the reasons why you always lose  — Read full post