
Spring Clean It! With DealDash…


DealDash cleaning

Now that the weather is getting warmer it’s time to start making a cleaning list. Let DealDash help with these handy tips.

Over the course of the next few months, as temperatures rise and flowers start blooming, two dreaded words will begin to pop up everywhere: spring cleaning.  For a busy mom, the idea of more tasks to add on to her list of chores may sound wearying, but don’t fret!  Cleaning and organizing a house does not have to be as intimidating as it sounds and the effort can pay off in a big way.  Here are some  — Read full post


DealDash on the Many Uses of Vinegar


dealdash vinegar

At the mention of vinegar you may think, “Eww, that stuff smells so horrible!”Then, perhaps you might find yourself starting to crave pickles. Mmm…pickles. Well, vinegar is good for more than turning cucumbers into a crunchy, juicy, and delicious snack. Let DealDash tell you about a few of the many uses of vinegar in the home.

Vinegar is an extremely versatile product that can be used for many things such as:

  • Cooking (of course!)
  • Medicinal use
  • Beauty and skincare product
  • All-natural cleaner and more

How Great is Vinegar?

You would think such an awesome and useful product would  — Read full post


Cleaning Suede Boots & Shoes With DealDash

DealDash Cleans Shoes

Winter weather, snow, and salt are very bad for your boots and shoes. Cleaning them regularly helps extend their life. Let DealDash show you how.

Living in the Northeast is very hard on my shoes! I try to clean off the salt, slush, and show residue a couple of times every winter, but it always comes back. Shoes and especially boots are very expensive, so I like to try and keep them as long as they still look nice. Here are some ideas and tips from DealDash to help you clean your shoes and boots to keep them looking nice  — Read full post


DealDash Gets Ready for Spring Cleaning

DealDash Spring CleaningIt’s not quite Spring yet, but it’s never too early to get started on your spring cleaning. Here are some tips and ideas from DealDash to help you get started.

Depending on where you are, your lawn, driveway, and house might still be buried in snow. But that’s outside! It’s not too early to start your Spring cleaning inside. Here are some tips, tricks, and ideas from DealDash to make your Spring cleaning a success.


I know you’re excited to get everything clean, but whatever you do, don’t clean your welcome mats yet! According to that pesky groundhog, there’s  — Read full post


DealDash Makes Kid-Safe Cleaners

dealdash kid cleaners

Kids are great – they are funny, cute, and want to be like you. Let them help you clean with these kid-safe cleaners from DealDash.

Every little kid wants to be like their mommy, daddy, or grandparent. Put that wonderful fact to good use by letting them help you clean. But wait – those cleaners full of chemicals can be dangerous to little people who might accidentally get it in their eyes or mouth. Fix that dangerous problem by making some homemade cleaners with ingredients that are kid-safe. Here are some ideas from DealDash.

What Do I Need to Get

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