
DealDash Looks at the Pantry

DealDash Pantry

Having a fully stocked pantry is one of those simple joys in life. No matter what storm rages on outside you will have all of the essentials.

How fully stocked is your pantry? Do you feel confident that you and your family could survive for a few weeks on just the products in the pantry if you needed to?

Even if you don’t live in an area of the country that’s prone to natural disasters, it’s a smart idea to keep a fully stocked pantry for big emergencies as well as other unforeseen events such as illness or job loss.  — Read full post


DealDash Recipes: Baked Cheesy Macaroni

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Kids and adults alike will enjoy this baked cheesy macaroni dish. It’s simple to make and delicious!

This baked cheesy macaroni is super-simple to make, and people love homemade macaroni and cheese. It is light years ahead of the boxed versions, and almost as inexpensive to make.

This baked cheesy macaroni has a powerful advantage for you: it is made with dry pasta, so there’s no need for precooking. Here’s a tip: the pasta cooks in the oven, absorbing the liquid from the dairy products. That’s a time-saver right there! Read on, and prepare for a delicious baked cheesy macaroni  — Read full post


DealDash Makes Delicious Breakfast

dealdash makes breakfast

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Many people don’t have time to make breakfast in the morning. Here are some ideas from DealDash.

Not everyone has time to make a full breakfast every morning – or any morning for that matter! That doesn’t mean that you should skip breakfast, though! If you can manage to make a small breakfast you will have a much more productive day than if you skipped it. Here are some quick breakfast tips from DealDash for you to try.

Easy Smoothie

Blend frozen fruit (banana and berries work well) with  — Read full post


DealDash Bakes Delicious Bread

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Who doesn’t love fresh, hot from the oven baked bread? Baking bread doesn’t have to be difficult.

Now that the holidays are over and you have more time on your hands it’s time to expand your cooking horizons. Cook more from scratch than buying premade at the supermarket is a great way to know exactly what you’re putting into your body. Here’s a tip – it’s also a great way to save money, as cooking from scratch can be cheaper once you have purchased the basic ingredients, and can get many batches out of them. Now let’s bake some bread  — Read full post


DealDash Saves on Your Grocery Bill

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DealDash likes to save you money on everything from electronics to baby toys, why not food? Here are some money-saving ideas for the supermarket.

Your grocery bill is probably one of your biggest household expenses each month, after your rent or mortgage and car payments. Luckily it’s also one of the easiest to cut down because you can always save a little here and a little there without feeling too much of a budget crunch. Here are some tips from DealDash to save money on your grocery bills.

Savings Start at Home

It’s true, saving money starts before you even  — Read full post