Lifestyle Wellness

DealDash: Improve Your Well-Being with Journaling

Journaling is an excellent way to organize your thoughts and ideas. And who couldn’t use a little help with that?

Journaling is an age-old practice that has been used as a tool for self-reflection and introspection for centuries. Whether it’s through the written word or in the form of art, journaling has a profound impact on our mental health and well-being. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits and how it can improve your overall quality of life. Read on for some helpful tips from DealDash to get you started in no time. — Read full post

Kids and Parenting

DealDash Kids: Help Your Kids Get Creative


Creativity is a wonderful trait to possess. Help your kids get started with these hints and tips from DealDash.

Many parents wonder how they can instill creativity in their child.  They want to make life more exciting and fun for their child. It will be fun for both you and your kids. Here are some tips for encouraging creativity in your child’s life, from DealDash.

The Basics – Coloring Pictures

The first thing you can do is encourage them to color pictures.  You can get them a bunch of crayons and coloring books and let them have a fun time  — Read full post


Habits to Cultivate to Be More Creative

DealDash Creative

Many creative people have certain habits in common. Here are some tips and ideas from DealDash to cultivate these habits.

People tend to be either born creative – or not very creative. However, if you can attempt to cultivate some of these habits of creative people you will start thinging of yourself as a creative person. As with many other things in life, just try to “fake it til you make it!” Being born creative means nothing without persistence, hard work, and effort. Try to incorporate these habits to help turn creativity into your daily routine. Here are some ideas  — Read full post