
DealDash 21-Day Fitness Challenge: July Edition

Even though it’s ultra hot outside, you can still keep up your fitness. Let’s get healthy this summer!

Staying active during the hot summer months can be challenging, but a 21-day fitness challenge can motivate you to keep moving. With a structured plan that gradually increases in intensity, you’ll build strength, improve endurance, and boost your overall fitness. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you stay active and fit throughout July. As always, be sure to consult your doctor before beginning any new fitness plan. Now, let’s get started with this fitness plan from DealDash! — Read full post


DealDash Cares: Natural Ways to Boost Wellness in Winter

It’s difficult not to get one of the many illnesses floating around this winter. However, boosting your wellness can help you stay much healthier overall.

As the short, chilly days of February unfold, it’s the perfect time to focus on our mental and physical well-being, steering towards more natural approaches. February, often seen as a bridge between the harsh winter and the hopeful spring, can be a great time to reset, reflect, and rejuvenate our body and mind through simple, yet effective natural means. Let DealDash take you on a journey down the path of ways to boost wellness this  — Read full post

Fitness Wellness

Fitting Fitness into Your Busy Day with DealDash

It’s natural to gain a few pounds in the winter. However, if you can fit in just a little exercise each day your body will thank you.

Today, let’s chat about something I think we all struggle with from time to time – squeezing fitness into our hectic schedules. With work, kids, and a myriad of other responsibilities, it can feel like there’s not enough time in the day for a workout. There’s no need to far, however. I’ve got some nifty tricks to help us busy parents make time for fitness without needing to find a 25th hour in  — Read full post


DealDash Fall Fitness: Outdoor Activities for Autumn

It’s the perfect time of year to do outdoor activities – not too cold and not too hot. Now let’s go out there and get moving to improve your fitness!

With autumn’s arrival, the air turns crisp and reminds me of childhood romps through the leaves. The foliage transforms into a mesmerizing tapestry of gold, orange, and red, perfect for leaf peeping and walks in the woods. The cooling temperatures offer the perfect ambiance for outdoor fitness exercises that not only keep you healthy but also allow you to relish the season’s unique beauty. Read this new article from DealDash  — Read full post

Fitness Health Wellness

DealDash Wellness: Benefits of a Balanced Diet

Eating a balanced diet is good for your health and tastes great, too. Give it a try, you’ll be glad you did!

Eating a balanced diet is essential for overall health and well-being. This will provide your body with the necessary nutrients it needs for optimal functioning. Many foods provide essential vitamins and minerals necessary for proper body functioning and development. Read on for some of the great benefits that eating a healthy diet offers. DealDash has some tips, read on for some information you can use. — Read full post